You just need to set the has_archive
parameter to true or your chosen slug when registering the post type.
add_action( 'init', 'question_10706_init' );
function question_10706_init() {
register_post_type( 'example', array(
'labels' => array(
'name' => __('Examples'),
'singular_name' => __('Example')
'public' => true,
'show_ui' => true,
'rewrite' => array(
'slug' => 'example',
'with_front' => false
//'has_archive' => true // Will use the post type slug, ie. example
//'has_archive' => 'my-example-archive' // Explicitly setting the archive slug
) );
- True - The archive url uses the post type slug
Eg. - Explicit - Use whichever slug you've provided
Next visit the permalink page, doing this will regenerate the rewrite rules, accounting for the new post type archive.
Next create an archive-{$post_type}.php
template to handle that archive (it could be a straight copy->paste of your existing archive, make adjustments as necessary). {$post_type}
would represent the name of your actual post type.
Here's the ticket that introduced the new post type archives.
Mark McWilliams also wrote about this on his blog, WordPress 3.1 Introduces Custom Post Type Archives.
Hope that helps. :)