_Late answer_ ## How to include your files the right way: function wpse1403_bootstrap() { // Here we load from our includes directory // This considers parent and child themes as well locate_template( array( 'inc/foo.class.php' ), true, true ); } add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'wpse1403_bootstrap' ); The same works in plugins too. ## How to get the right path or URi Also take a look at file system API functions like: * `home_url()` * `plugin_dir_url()` * `plugin_dir_path()` * `admin_url()` * `get_template_directory()` * `get_template_directory_uri()` * `get_stylesheet_directory()` * `get_stylesheet_directory_uri()` * etc. ## How to reduce the number of `include/require` If you need to fetch _all_ files from a directory go with foreach ( glob( 'path/to/folder/*.php' ) as $file ) include $file; Keep in mind that this ignores failures (maybe good for production use)/not loadable files. To alter this behavior you might want to use a different config during development: $files = ( defined( 'WP_DEBUG' ) AND WP_DEBUG ) ? glob( 'path/to/folder/*.php', GLOB_ERR ) : glob( 'path/to/folder/*.php' ) foreach ( $files as $file ) include $file;