Questions tagged [wp-signup]

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10 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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2 answers

Why wordpress multisite redirect to wp-signup if site exists?

I just create a site on my Multisite domain (, for instance After this, I try to enter on, but I'm redirected to https://www.example....
TorryVic's user avatar
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wordpress disable login for unverified user

I have buy a theme form marketplace. This page is auto login after registration. I want to disable auto registration after login and without approving user by admin user can't login. How can do that? ...
fiyan's user avatar
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Populate email field is wp-signup.php

I am collecting email on the home page of my website using gravity form, and redirect user to the wp-signup.php page. How can i populate the email field of wp-signup.php with the user entry (email) on ...
Amit Jugran's user avatar
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2 answers

Custom success message after user is registered

I am using this code as a custom signup form. Is there any chance to create a success message for it? <?php /* ** Template Name: Custom Register Page */ get_header(); global $wpdb, $user_ID; ...
jilian's user avatar
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Register a new user on wooCommerce using Rest API

So, I am building a website in react using Wordpress headless server with WooCommerce plugin. I have found that to create a new customer, you have to use the WooCommerce API: https://woocommerce....
Seb's user avatar
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WordPress custom ajax login not working on mobile browsers

I have a custom Ajax login/signup form which logs the user in and invokes location.reload() if the request is successful. My Ajax login works perfectly in desktop browsers using only the wp_signon ...
John Earnshaw's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there an security risk with using wp_signon function?

Question 1: I'm new to wp and trying to write a plugin for custom register and login. There is a function called wp_signon() which can help to login the user, but can i just use get variables from ...
Wp_begiinnnner's user avatar
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Right approach in doing this signup process

I have a client who wants me to have 3 steps when a user signs up on our wordpress site. On the first step.. There will be a domain availability checker. If the domain is available, they will proceed ...
PinoyStackOverflower's user avatar
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1 answer

wordpress custom registration

is it possible to register user, that his username would be email ? I tried plugin wp-email-login, but it only logs in with email. Where is no registration with email as username... Any ideas ?
andys's user avatar
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2 answers

Multisite/Network What file to edit to change the "new blog" registration text

I'm not able to find the correct file to edit text. What file do I edit in order to change the text in the picture below? I thought it was wp-signup.php, but the text is not there. Thanks for any ...
OneWayGraphix's user avatar