Questions tagged [static-website]

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11 votes
6 answers

How to Create Editable Blocks of Text for the Homepage?

I'm making a site based on WordPress. It's not going to seem a blog or WP. Just a website. So WP acts like backend where the client can edit the text blocks. Question: How can I put block of text on ...
Lightworker's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How should I best incorporate WordPress in my static website?

My site as of right now is a static website. I am planning on having a 'recent blog posts' section on it, with permalink to the main blog post/blog. example: I was wondering, ...
kawiz's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Creating a Static Website based on a WordPress Website?

I am taking on a project where I need to build a static website (due to hosting restrictions). I thought of trying to do this by building a WP site on my computer, then creating a sitemap, and then ...
Tal Galili's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Create a Static HTML Site from WordPress

A friend of mine is investigating the use of WordPress for a dynamic site with some hierarchy. Really, at the moment he just wants "nothing fancier than photos and links between pages," but knowing ...
EAMann's user avatar
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