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Questions tagged [screen-options]

13 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Add a custom tab alongside Screen Options and Help

Using the WP_Screen object, is it possible to add additional tabs to a custom admin settings page? I already have Screen Options and Help, but I also wish to add a Import/Export tab. I've looked in ...
David Gard's user avatar
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WordPress custom setting page - add flashing message

I have a custom settings page for my plugin that has in the same page a submit button and a link like
llanfair's user avatar
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Hide some items from Screen options in dashboard for products

I am trying to unset/hide some options in dashboard. I am trying it for products screen. Here is the screenshot Here is the code i tried to hide SKU /** Hide Dashboard widget by default via Screen ...
Nimesh Deo's user avatar
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Wordpress not displaying columns to hide/show on screen options

I have installed Wordpress 5.8.3 which is at the moment the latest version available. I'm trying to hide certain columns within the posts dashboard, but for some reason I doesn't have the option to do ...
sfarzoso's user avatar
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Home Dashboard Screen Options always change

Like any other WordPress user I have installed a few Themes and Plugins. I recently noticed that the boxes on my Home Dashboard change every now and then and only 3 of them they are always there: ...
Francesco Mantovani's user avatar
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Remove check boxes and its label from screen option for custom role

I want to hide many check boxes and its label in screen option only for custom user role (wdm_instructor and group_leader). How to apply below code so its for custom user role only: add_action( '...
jasaweb's user avatar
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Error on clicking 'Screen Options' tab only at Products-related editor screen(s) and for specific user

My client has problems with the Screen Options tab and in general with Javascript (or maybe WPBakery) related parts of the Admin screen. WPBakery-s blue buttons are not displaying to him at all. And ...
Viktor Borítás's user avatar
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How can I 'check' the "custom fields" box from the Screen Options?

I am using the latest version of WordPress v5.3.2. I am trying to find out a way [through Code] to enable 'Custom Fields' by default, when on the Add/Edit Post/Page pages, at least for the one's ...
Tanveer Malik's user avatar
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Wordpress Screen Options, Help, Visual editor, Status, Visibility, Revisions, Published on and any toggled indicator don't work for posts

New to WordPress, I'm trying to debug the problem briefly described in the title of this question. None of these links works in our site when we edit a post. All work fine in any other components (...
Ricardo Rodríguez's user avatar
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Dashboard widget, screen options/help doesn't work?

I have managed to break something with my Wordpress Multisite install. I have tried deactivating every plugin and activating again. Right now I cannot click the Screen Options or Help in the dashboard ...
jockebq's user avatar
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Custom Admin Section

I am creating a new custom admin page. For reasons I cannot explain here (due to the length of the explanation), I cannot create the custom admin section via Custom Post Type, but rather, I have to ...
Greeso's user avatar
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How modify comments metabox on post edit screen in Wordpress?

I search a solution for custom the comment's html on post edit screen when i click to the button "add new comment". I want to add a ACF field in the form. The codex not explain a solution... Or an ...
Hoplaventure's user avatar
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Screen Options Wordpress WYSIWYG

Is there any way to set a checkbox for WYSIWYG box in this options so admin is able to hide it in case there's no need for content in a page
Paradise's user avatar
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