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WordPress Plugins Feed Error, but I'm not asking for a plugins feed

I'm getting this error on dozens of my sites: PHP Notice: A feed could not be found at A feed with an invalid mime type may fall victim to this ...
Works for a Living's user avatar
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RSS Feed Shows NULL When Asking For Thumbnail

I am pulling in posts from separate WP installs on separate URLs. I have everything I want except for the thumbnail. My theme supports thumbnails but when I ask for the thumbnail it is showing me NULL....
Taylor Foster's user avatar
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How to Update SimplePie

The installed SimplePie is outdated. I need the current version. The directory and files in WordPress are different, so I don't know if I can just overwrite the files with the current's ...
IAmAlta's user avatar
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Is there any harm in using RSS.php (or other deprecated features)?

I'm using RSS.php to parse RSS feeds on my site because I haven't got my head around SimplePie yet. Functionally, it works exactly as I want it to, but with error reporting on, I of course get the "...
SinisterBeard's user avatar
5 votes
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Why does Simplepie return feed items in a wrong order?

I have this feed from picasa (correct but arbitrary, desired order). The result is messed up Also, with this feed, for example. It's fine in regular, sorted by date feeds, but not these. In the ...
Firsh -'s user avatar
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How to get more than 25 items via Simplepie RSS Feeds?

I have a feed with 50 items but seemingly no matter what I do, it always returns just 25. $feed->set_item_limit(50); or $rss_items = $rss->get_items(0,50); none of these have any effect nor do ...
Firsh -'s user avatar
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Getting Post Thumbnail from RSS feed with SimplePie

I am trying to pull the post thumbnail from an RSS feed to output on an external site. I am using the following function to add the post thumbnail to the site: function rss_post_thumbnail($content) { ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Custom query AFTER rss fetch_feed not working

I'm trying to do a custom query after an rss fetch_feed but for some reason nothing shows up. The code I'm using to fetch the feed is: <?php // Get RSS Feed(s) include_once( ABSPATH . WPINC ....
Josef Ulander's user avatar
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Where does WordPress default SimplePie save cache data?

Where does WordPress default SimplePie save cache data? I could only find relevant info about cache durations but not the location. SimplePie has a method called set_cache_location() but I cannot find ...
Teno's user avatar
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Give extra post-meta to RSS feeds

I'm trying to extend an RSS feed to output some post-meta from my website. I have an 'event_date' meta-key and I need to order by this as opposed to the RSS standard publish date, which I know how to ...
David Gard's user avatar
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Unable to display favicon using get_favicon()?

I'm using fetch_feed (based on Simplepie) to display an array of RSS feeds (favicon & headlines only). Documentation on the simplepie website says to use get_favicon in the stylesheet. And I'm ...
Adam's user avatar
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How to reorder and display a feed to be chronological?

I have a feed from an events calendar that once put in the WordPress RSS widget displays the feed items in reverse chronological order. So the events that are farthest in the future display first, and ...
Joshua Lynch's user avatar
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WP HTTP Error: couldn't connect to host for RSS feeds on same domain

I'm having trouble reading RSS feeds created by WP3 on the same domain. When I do a print_r($rss); at the part of my plugin where it does the RSS parsing, I get the following output: WP_Error ...
aendra's user avatar
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Passing feed URLs with "&" to fetch_feed()?

How do I pass feed URLs with & in the URL to fetch_feed()? The feed is not parsed correctly if there is a & in the feed URL. Actually it works in the example I gave, but now I'm populating ...
mike23's user avatar
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How to set the cache for the built-in SimplePie feed parser?

I'm using the built-in SimplePie, AKA fetch_feed(), to retrieve a feed, and I want to be able to adjust the cache time from an admin menu. SimplePie itself is well documented, but not so much the ...
Dan Gayle's user avatar
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