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Inherit plugin settings to new site in Multisite

I use the Breadcrumb NavXT plugin for a WP Multisite. I activated the plugin for all sites so I can use it throughout my network. My problem is that every time I add a new site I have to change the ...
user1706680's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Multisite Plugin - Access options (wp_options) on child sites

Is there a way I can access the wp_options table of all the child sites? I want to create a multisite plugin that can be setup at the network level and will populate the child site plugins with ...
NightHawk's user avatar
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How to get values from network settings panel?

I'm using wordpress 3.3. I've created a plugin My plugin details: My plugin creates a sub menu under Network settings and create two form fields to define adsense code (200 x 200 ad, 300 x 250 ad). ...
PrivateUser's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Duplicate settings of master blog to slave blogs in WP multi-site installation

Is there any smart way to set a site (blog) as a master, which settings are replicated to the rest of the sites in the network? There are plugins like this one: YD Network-wide WPML that attempt to ...
user1931's user avatar
4 votes
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How to tell if plugin has been network activated

I have the following lines of code that add the settings link and setup for my plugin: add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'admin_settings_menu')); // Add menu to options add_action('...
Scott's user avatar
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25 votes
4 answers

'Global' settings page for multisite plugin

I'm working on a plugin that will be installed in a multisite instance. How do I create a single settings page that is visible at the "Network admin" level only - most of the guides i've seen relate ...
anu's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

How to add field for new site-wide option on Network Settings screen?

I'm working on a plugin, and part of it involves setting an option value that applies to all sites in a WordPress network. I know about the add_site_option and get_site_option functions that let you ...
jalefkowit's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Network-Wide Plugin Settings Management

I'm using WordPress 3.1.2, and have three blogs in a WordPress network. I would like to change some settings for a specific plugin, but have the changes applied to all the blogs on the network. I can'...
Alan Turing's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Plugin for editing options on multisite?

does anyone know of a plugin for mass editing of settings on a multisite installation? Something like Plugin Commander for Settings?
grm's user avatar
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