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2 answers

Detect when any plugin is activated or deactivated

I have a starter theme I use for most websites I built myself. Because each site has different plugin dependencies, I'm trying to create a script that essentially collates a list of all plugins ...
Tex0gen's user avatar
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Are functions in main plugin file called before function bound to register_activation_hook runs?

In my plugin, I am doing a minimum-supported PHP version compatibility check via a function bound to register_activation_hook and halting activation for those on PHP version less than the minimum ...
learning_13's user avatar
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Advanced WordPress plugin activation detection

I'm testing the plugin activation detection because something went wrong in my plugin. I discovered the problem, but didn't understand it: I'm trying to check for plugins activation (others and my ...
Maxwell s.c's user avatar
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1 answer

WordPress user account activation

How do I implement user account activation in WordPress? (This is not for multisite.) Once the user registers through the site or admin panel, the user should get an email with an activation link. ...
Anshad Vattapoyil's user avatar
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4 answers

register_activation_hook in oop approach

I tried to develop a plugin in OOP approach. I tried to load all the function needed inside the constructor class e.g action hooks. The problem is this hook "register_activation_hook". It wont load ...
Yves Gonzaga's user avatar