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Hiding posts - WP Hide Post not working

I frequently publish posts that I need to be hidden. They need to be published, so that someone who has their url can go to them, but I don't want them showing up on my homepage, in my recent posts ...
AnakhaS's user avatar
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Related posts popup

I want to retain visitors on my blog by showing them other posts related to the post they are reading. But it seems they don't see this widget at all. So I have an idea to show this list in a popup (...
Mike's user avatar
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problem with register_activation_hook in plugin

I am developing a plugin that inserts content to wordpress on plugin activation. I also have an admin are where I can add a link to the inserted post. The admin is a input box where I can input my ...
Ronny K's user avatar
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3 answers

publish_post hook isn't working for scheduled posts

I had a bit of an issue with wp-to-twitter publishing a tweet linking to a post that was set as 'pending' that i had emailed to my site. The email included a footer, which included my ...
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Posts are deleted everyday at night

So I have a weird issue with WP and that is that all Posts on the site are getting deleted sometime in the night. Before I turn of all plugins and change theme to default.. I would like to know if ...
Yan's user avatar
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How to Batch Upload .docx Files as Posts

I need to upload all the articles from our school newspaper to our website at once. They all need to publish at a specified date at a specified time and all of them have authors (users) and an image ...
sinθ's user avatar
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wordpress content .php file in an iframe's src in a wordpress post

I would like to insert an iframe with WordPress content inside a post. I explain myself. I have two things: a post and a presentation. In the the_content() WordPress filter, I add my iframe to the $...
user36316's user avatar
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How can i summerize posts or news automatically in word press site?

Is there any module or sample code for summerize post by intelligence algorithms? I want to summerize 1000 last posts automatically
saber tabatabaee yazdi's user avatar
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Internationalization of Blog Posts

I have 4 domains all pointing to the same server with a server alias. They are like,, etc. So i have a domain for a couple of countries. I run a WordPress blog, but ...
Marais Rossouw's user avatar
1 vote
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How use %like% in sql statement wordpress

i use a like %text% statement in wordpress: SELECT * FROM location WHERE name LIKE "%on" OR name LIKE "%on%" i tried anything but it's not run: $wpdb->get_results($wpdb -> prepare("SELECT * ...
rocky's user avatar
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Issues with Post 2 Post Plugin

I am trying to create connections between some of my posts. I have pairs of posts that need to go together (post with a quiz). I found the Post 2 Post plugin, which seems perfect for what I need. I ...
Andrew's user avatar
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Publish Post After Click On A Link

I have a frontend posting form (CF7), where user inputs (among other data of course) his email. Now I set the status to pending. What I want is, that the user would get trough autoresponder a mail, ...
M P's user avatar
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Find And Add Category to Posts

My WordPress site is a mess. Previously, it had 80+ categories, with 1-2 sub-categories. After creating blueprint for this site (I'm restructuring the site completely), I have new 6 categories and ...
Sid's user avatar
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Wordpress "Add new tag" button is not working

I really dont know where else to look at :( When I try to create a new tag in wordpress from back end under post column, it wont save the tag. However when I tried to save a blank it prompts me an ...
swapnesh's user avatar
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Retrieve post thumbnails

I am trying to build a wordpress blog from scratch. I am looking to retrieve all the articles from a specific category. I then want to also include the SQUARE thumbnail(not a stretched version, a ...
BDGapps's user avatar
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3 answers

Wordpress ultra slow if I click on posts?

I have 5000 posts on my website, which I have uploaded from a CSV file. This all went well and the website is fast on the back-end and frankly on any other page. There is one exception: if I click on ...
user1627363's user avatar
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Enforce conditions only for draft posts using WyPiekacz, ignore pending and published posts

I use WyPiekacz to set various conditions for authors when creating posts, for example checking if the post has a featured image or how many tags that are being used. It works fine. However, these ...
Christine Cooper's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add character to content of post?

In per posts, there are "oo/x/". How to add "0" before "x" if length(x) < 10 ? Examples: x=12345678 ; length(x) = 8, so add "00" before x ===> x=0012345678 x=1234567 ; length(x) = 7, so add "...
Ch L's user avatar
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Get page type to display content

I have some checkboxes to select where can I display my plugin and I save in db in this format: Show popup in this pages: x Article (Public) x Pages (Public) x File (Public) x Revisions (Not ...
Sebastian Corneliu Vîrlan's user avatar
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Delete data from custom table when deleting a post

I want to delete post id form my custom table, when deleting a post. I have tried this way, nothing happened. Please help. add_action('delete_post', 'delete_data'); function delete_data($post_id) { ...
Shakil's user avatar
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Insert data in custom table during new post creation

I want to in insert data in my custom db table when creating a post. Suppose there are three categories (php, wordpress & jquery). When i create a post in wordpress, i want to insert post id and ...
Shakil's user avatar
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Change from blogger to wordpress

I would like to change my blog platform from blogger to wordpress. My website is: I would like to keep a similar template and all the posts. What are the necessary steps I ...
HDPeak's user avatar
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How to auto strip hyperlinks & images in wordpress post

I creat a post form on front-end for wordpress members by use DJD Site Post plugin. Plugin url: And now i want to auto strip all hyperlink & ...
Zen Nguyễn's user avatar
2 votes
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Set attached to state

In the media library every attachment post has an "Attached to" column. I've developed a plugin that adds author profile and a facebook like banner image. I now discovered that the attachment posts, ...
Julian F. Weinert's user avatar
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Capturing POST data

I am trying to modify the Member Status Plugin so that the status are based on the data saved on a custom database table. Basically I wanted to change the administration menu with a form that can ...
user1423172's user avatar
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How to extract images of post and pages excluding header and logo image in wordpress?

I have tried this code to get all images from media library and i am sucessfully getting the source urls of all the images but now i want to exclude all the unwanted images like logo, header images ,...
user1145009's user avatar
9 votes
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How to prevent a post from being deleted?

For auditing issue, I only want a post can be trashed, but not deleted - for all users. So I have a plugin like add_action('before_delete_post', function($id) { wp_die(0); }); But seems ...
Yoga's user avatar
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Unable to add TAB character to post?

I am using the CodeColorer plugin to display source code in my WordPress. I am trying to have my code indented so that it displays properly on the website. However, when I try to add the following ...
SameOldNick's user avatar
-1 votes
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Preset categories in wordpress by GET-paremters [duplicate]

I tried google and used #wordpress. Is there a way to preset categories for my new posts (post-new.php) via GET-parameters? If not how can I achieve this?
Langusten Gustel's user avatar
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single.php fires more than once after clicking on any post to view with different post id each time

I am now experiencing a wired problem with my wordpress installation. I was surprised when I saw post view counter of another post also increased including the the post on which I clicked to try and ...
Miraj's user avatar
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how can authors to define custom pages?

I have a options page and i use this code. I want this, I add author id on sometext field (e.g 3,2,5,11 ) and my author.php redirect custom author page. My author.php <?php $post = $wp_query->...
Genxer's user avatar
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Plugin is creating posts twice

I have code which takes some $_POST data and loops through it. In the loop, I store the $_POST data in variables and create a new post using those variables. The loop ends when I run out of $_POST ...
Sweepster's user avatar
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How can i list random post from multiple category?

I have an author page, and I want to list posts from current author's categories. e.g. I'm viewing John's page, and John wrote in Sport, Tech, News, Computer categories. Then my code list from this (...
Genxer's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Notifications Bar on home page only

Is it possible to create an "Alert" button that can be turned on and off thru wp-admin. Of course the "Alert" button im asking for is to be published at the main page, but can only be turned on when ...
M3o's user avatar
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How to get an error message if a form is empty (plugin: Post for site) [closed]

I wonder if you intelligent friends can detect the problem in this code. I want the form to display an error message if it's empty. Now it just goes to my completed form page. <?php /* * * * ...
fortes's user avatar
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Use plugin or custom post type for game score functionality

The last couple of days I've been working on a plug-in that adds the functionality of keeping scores from a paintball game. When I manage to finish it I want to present players with a form so they can ...
Jan's user avatar
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Is there an action that is called when a post is restored from the trash?

I'm looking at the wordpress list of actions and trying to find an action that is called when a post is restored from the trash but cannot find one. Does anyone know if it exists?'s user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Article source link for posts

Is there a way to add a source link at the end of an article like TechnoBuffalo (scroll down to end of post) with a plugin? If someone could find a plugin or quickly make one for me that would be ...
r.w's user avatar
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jQuery plugin only in one page/post

I've seen all the documentation in the codex, but I am doing something wrong since it doesn't work! I want to implement this jQuery plugin ( in my ...
FZNB's user avatar
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How to Add jQuery Infinite Scroll to My Custom Archive Page

I currently have a custom archive page that displays my current post at the top and then links to all of my older posts below that. However, I need to break up the page so that it displays the ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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How to get the first post and second post in a wordpress blog?

is there a way I can retrieve the first and second post in wordpress... I have tried using get_post() but with that I have to put in a id. What if I don't know the posts id?
Ronny K's user avatar
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Is it possible to send blog posts via email to subscribers?

Would like to be able to send the blog post in an email mail to my subscribers, this would be great if it can be achieved through a plugin.
zadubz's user avatar
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User-Specific Timezones? Hack? Plugin?

Is there any way, whether it be a hack, a plugin, etc., to give users their own timezone? I am using a purchased SMS plugin. Users (my clients) login and are able to send out text messages when they ...
spinblade's user avatar
-2 votes
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Looking for membership style plugin with edit option [closed]

I have had a search but not found what I'm looking for so far. I am looking for a plugin which will provide a functionality on a site for the following: Use wants to sign up to my site, goes through ...
gdude's user avatar
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Automatically Creating Posts for Popular Forum Topics or Products [closed]

I am integrating a Wordpress template with Buddypress (with bbPress included). I would like to automatically create a post for popular forum topics so that it will show in my main page. I am hoping ...
Jenny's user avatar
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Shortcode returning specific content of a post

I'm currently building a plugin to display specific part of post after accepting verification code. Can a shortcode return a part of a post? I mean: Bla bla bla [shortcode postID="100"] Special bla ...
Peter's user avatar
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Custom setup of wordpress comments that are displayed

I have setup in admin to have 5 comments per post display, which is what I want, and newest at the top. But the problem is when a 6th comment is made it is the only one displayed and you can read ...
matt's user avatar
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how to add text to posts from tags

How can I add custom generated text to posts using text from tags? Something like: [Post Title] + custom text + tags + custom text .... Or is there a plugin which does this ?
Mario's user avatar
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Twitter List Tweets and Delicious Links as Posts

I'm trying to integrate Tweets from a Twitter list as individual posts categorized as "Twitter," and trying to do the same thing from a Delicious account. I've found several plugins that will add ...
Keefer's user avatar
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Adding “&nbsp;” before the last word in multiple defined areas with a plugin

How would this be done with javascript or a plugin? This would prevent widows from happening in my WordPress posts. Shaun Inman has created a similar plugin for post titles, but not for actual posts. ...
Dave's user avatar
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