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How can I render shortcode so that its not cached by Caching plugins?

I am developing a plugin and I don't want the output of my shortcode to be cached by popular WordPress caching plugins like W3Ttoalcahe, WPSuperCache, etc. Is there any way I can achieve that or ask ...
beginner's user avatar
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How to disable cache for the content returned by a shortcode

we have wrote a shortcode that returns a different content based on a timestamp. The typical business case is: "Before the 1st of January, display "registrations will be open on the 1st of January" ...
E. Jaep's user avatar
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Ads below footer

A client of mine has ads on his website, which are managed by a CPT. The ads can be pulled in via a widget, hardcoded query and a shortcode. I have an issue that isn't consistent that I'm trying to ...
Austin Biggs's user avatar