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Content-Security-Policy implementation with WordPress W3Total Cache plugin installed

Documentation about this says to avoid inline script and css Error: Refused to execute inline script because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: What I have used so far: ...
Sandeep Naskar's user avatar
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How to add support for caching plugins for my own plugin?

Is there a generic way to support caching plugins? For example to set a flag after you update an option that caching plugins watch? For example WP Super Cache has this: function wp_cache_clear_cache() ...
Nikolay Dyankov's user avatar
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W3 Total Cache JS and css Minify folder are empty

When i enable Multisite using subdirectories function and minify file status “404” so my multisite subdirectory not working properly, because minify folder are empty /var/www/html/wp-content/cache/...
Md Parvej Ansari's user avatar
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How can I render shortcode so that its not cached by Caching plugins?

I am developing a plugin and I don't want the output of my shortcode to be cached by popular WordPress caching plugins like W3Ttoalcahe, WPSuperCache, etc. Is there any way I can achieve that or ask ...
beginner's user avatar
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Will cron job run if page loaded is being served from cache?

As a cron job does not run until a page load request comes, what will happen in case page-loaded is being served from cache by some caching plugin? Will WordPress still run a cron job that is ...
learning_13's user avatar
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Add a Script button in W3 Total Cache plugin not working due to conflicting jQuery version

While trying to fix the Render-Blocking issue on my website, I ran into a problem with the W3 Total Cache plugin on its Minify settings page. The two buttons to add JS (Add a script) and CSS (Add a ...
Peter Gerhat's user avatar
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Make WordPress cache permanent for some pages until edited

Many WordPress websites contain pages or posts that are rarely updated. The server load can be reduced for these pages through page cache plugins such as WP Cache or W3 Total Cache. However such ...
ARMBouhali's user avatar
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Will setcookie work if there is a cache plugin installed?

A cache plugin in WP will cache PHP output, but does it include HTTP header? For example, add a piece of code as following: add_action('wp', 'my_cookie' ); function my_cookie() { setcookie('...
Edward's user avatar
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Plugin files not updated (cache cleared)

I'm manually uploading a plugin that I created, but no changes take effect and the file editor shows no changes unless I change the filenames within the plugin. I've already tried doing this while ...
Raynor Kuang's user avatar
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Trouble with Transient API when W3TC is activated [closed]

I'm using W3 Total Cache on Wordpress 3.5.2. I've got a problem with transient API and w3tc's object cache setting. When I activate 'object cache' with memcached (other settings are default),...
He Shiming's user avatar