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What is considered good practice for registering menu locations?

I decided to try my hand at creating my own WP theme from scratch. I've made a header, a navbar, and a footer so far. I've also registered a couple menus, so my navbar will be populated automatically ...
ArceusLegend50's user avatar
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Why is wp_nav_menu() not removing the container around the nav <ul>?

I am trying to remove the <div> that wraps the <ul>, but when I set 'container' to false or '' the <div> still shows up. Why is it not being removed? Example with false: <nav id=&...
JayDev95's user avatar
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How to automatically set a Template Page Name next to a page in menu screen such as WooCommerce pages, front page, or posts page in wordpress?

When creating a menu, and after selecting a page as front page and another page as posts appears next to the page in menu screen. For example, "Front Page" appears next to home page,...
Hatem Frere's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Filter nav menu items HTML tags and wrap inner text with span

I am using the following filter to select <a> tags from a specific menu that have no attributes (href, class, etc.) and replace them with <button> tags. add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', '...
Mike Hermary's user avatar
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1 answer

how to create/register menu items that can be added to menus later

I noticed some popular plugins (i.e woocommerce as in the image below) have their own "menu items" that can be added to any menu. how can I create my own ? I checked the entire theme ...
user avatar
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Menu separator appearing on next line

I am creating a new theme, but for some reason the menu isn't displaying correctly. I want the separator to appear next to the menu items, but they are on the next line for some reason. This is what I ...
Darth Mikey D's user avatar
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Why nav_menu_css_class doesn't work with apply_filters?

I was trying to add css class to nav items. The documented function call in WordPress docs was apply_filters( 'nav_menu_css_class', string[] $classes, WP_Post $item, stdClass $args, int $depth ) But ...
Nelson Luk's user avatar
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Header menu aligned right on all pages except for single-post page [closed]

I have a header with a logo, menu items and a search bar. I have aligned the menu on the right (close to the search bar), but in the 'single-post' page, the menu items appear on the left, starting ...
Rron Kurtishi's user avatar
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adding pages in theme

I have a basic question. I am fairly new to WordPress and I have this task that I am asked to do. I have been asked to add pages (contact, about, portfolio, etc...) to the current WordPress site that ...
user372204's user avatar
-1 votes
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Wordpress site hamburger menu toggle not working

When I shrink down the browser to test for mobile responsiveness, the hamburger menu does not open, even after I clicked on it. I have tried everything from troubleshooting my plugins to searching all ...
WPadminweb's user avatar
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Structuring Nav Menu and Background Custom page (Help)

i´m creating theme is my first theme and i have a problem with panel nav menu of wordpress, I´m creating the order of nav menu in the panel wordpress and does not order, i was make page and ...
Aisakk's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Custom CSS File wont work on second Page

i created a custom Theme in WordPress and everything is working fine and the CSS is loading to my index.php. So now i copy-pasted the index.php and renamed it, then i went to the indexCopy site and ...
yama_HD's user avatar
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Theme: dropdown hover menu not showing up in IE/Edge

I'm using the theme Illdy, and the hoverable dropdown menus on the top navbar are not dropping down in IE or Edge. Firefox and Chrome appear to work. I've tried adding a variety of these to the ...
JJL's user avatar
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How to work with a custom theme that someone else created before me? (details below)

A company hired me as a web designer. Their website was designed by a private company that created the WP website from scratch: they customized a theme, installed all the plugins needed back then, and ...
user180282's user avatar
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Make title bar collapse when scrolling

Is it possible to make the title bar when scrolling so that it does not take so much of the text space? Right now it looks like this: I would like to make the middle bar that says "Berthelot23" ...
Tanny Sieben's user avatar
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Does the Default theme of Wordpress like 2016, 2017 and 2019 uses Walker_Nav_Menu Class

I want to know if these themes uses Walker_Nav_Menu class. As I open the files I can't see a Walker_Nav_Class or I could not find it. And I want to know what they use to display the Menu and Submenus. ...
Lucifer Levi's user avatar
2 votes
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Custom Nav Walker Displaying Values in Sub Menu

I'm trying to display Submenu links within a Custom Tailwindcss / Vue component that I added within the Nav Walker. Menu Issues header.php <nav class="flex items-center justify-between flex-...
Henshall's user avatar
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2 answers

Wordpress Menu Navigation links not working

Navigation Menu links not working, but the bootstrap CSS is working. Can anyone help me in getting the links working? Thank you <ul class="navbar-nav mr-auto"> <?php ...
Santosh Kumar's user avatar
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Menu doesn't open on mobile

I'm developping a website and I have the following issue: I am using version 5.1.1 of WordPress with the latest version of the Phlox theme and the Elementor page builder version 2.5.10. I use the ...
Hilde's user avatar
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I can´t make the menu unclickable in an easy way

I have WordPress 5.0 / Gutenberg and my theme is Graphy. I have Chrome v. 71.0. When I upgraded to WP.5.0 and to Gutenberg (blocks) I observed that a menu that I had made unclickable before now was ...
Kjell Reinedahl's user avatar
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WordPress theme editor not showing

Why can I no longer see the Appearance > Editor function on the left hand menu in WordPress? It won't show up regardless of the theme. It used to be there before though correct? I wanted to add some ...
user158159's user avatar
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My menu bar dissapeared with autooptimize [closed]

After setting up auto optimize my menu bar is gone. You can still click the buttons where they would be but it is invisible. Please help. This is a production website I can't have it like this for ...
James's user avatar
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-2 votes
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The menu jumps a few pixels after the website loads

I'm using Divi theme and having some weird issue with how the elements load within my website.. You can see that in the attacehed link - . When you click on one of the menu ...
Gonras Karols's user avatar
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Menu names not getting translated

I've got the following code in a theme to register two menus: register_nav_menus( array( 'primary' => esc_html__( 'Primary', 'text-domain' ), 'secondary' => esc_html__( 'Secondary', 'text-...
user54141's user avatar
3 votes
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Show menu item description with line breaks

I have a problem with my theme... I use Agama, and i've checkmarked "description" in the menu settings, but it won't display it on the frontend, since the theme doesn't allow it. But then I found ...
Morten Buller Resen Kibsgaard's user avatar
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Why is my menu not ordered properly?

I am using the Avant theme, but I don't know if this is a fault of the theme or of WP. My main menu looks like below in the WP designer, with Home the first menu item. Yet when I visit the blog, the ...
ProfK's user avatar
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Making my main menu a hamburger menu on all platforms

I am working on a wordpress site, using the Zephyr material design theme. My main menu is getting longer, and it overflows out of the page, making it look awkward and badly designed. On mobile, this ...
Null_Error's user avatar
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Full screen nav menu block with avada theme

I have a menu structured exactly how I want it but I need the style to be a bit more refined and specific. I'm using the avada theme with mega menu functionality, and I've applied it to the first ...
H.Norman's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to add or remove borders in navigation menu?

One probably very simple CSS question for you guys. I'm building a new site for myself and I wanted to divide each menu item with a vertical line, which I managed to do by finding the CSS selector in ...
Vaander's user avatar
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menu change after theme change

I changed theme for my wordpress site, and afterwards the menu got mixed. I added to more headings, and guess the failings came in there. Maybe I have tried to edit the wrong menu. The content of two ...
Karina Kristoffersen McKenzie's user avatar
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My Admin bar covers my sticky navbar [closed]

I'm trying to develop a theme with a sticky navbar but the problem is the admin bar of wordpress covers my sticky navbar that is made using bootstrap. help please. this is my navbar code: <!-- ...
shadi's user avatar
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Cant add menu items with my theme

I use the understrap theme as a copy from the the original site, where the images and all other linked things were on the old host. Then I changed the theme and all was working and being showed like I ...
JestaBlunt's user avatar
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Default Nav Highlight

I'm using the built-in menu functionality wp_nav_menu in my project:, all of the posts (,, etc.) don't ...
Josh Rodgers's user avatar
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How to hide the menu item created by the theme in WordPress admin panel?

I installed the flatsome theme and it created a menu in the admin panel. I wanted to hide it because it is redundant to Appearance menu that is already in the dashboard. How will I possibly hide the ...
user2513128's user avatar
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menu mobile show up even i in desktop mode in Newspaper Theme

I have WordPress website with Newspaper Theme and I have a problem with the Menu. Link: I have 2 problems: The menu mobile show up in left side even i in desktop mode, this not ...
Tomer's user avatar
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Custom Post Type - Portfolio no longer works

I have a custom post type for a portfolio that used to work and now it no longer shows up in the admin menu. It does however show up in the admin bar but not in the dashboard, only when viewing the ...
user53340's user avatar
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Putting <a> tag outside <li> tag on generated Menu

I'm trying to make a social links menu for the footer in my theme. I want a menu to be customisable in Dashboard, I want the links to be relative to what's put in there. Originally to get that, I did ...
insidesin's user avatar
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Include Max mega menu Plugin into theme

I want to add the Max Mega Menu plugin into my theme for a project. What i've done: copy and paste plugin folder into my theme include megamenu.php file into my theme function.php file Needed to ...
shamim khan's user avatar
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Programmatically create and place a nav menu in a theme location?

A client has numerous subsites and would like to include a 'global menu' within the packaged theme. I've got a registered location global-menu and I've got it populated with links in functions.php. ...
Rick's user avatar
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Does Wordpress create mobile menus automatically?

I am using Wordpress 4.5.2 with a custom theme. I am a bit confused about WP and the theme customizations, what does the first and what the second. For example, fullscreen menus are managed by WP........
Riccardo's user avatar
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Wordpress Add javascript:void(0); to menu link item?

I want to add javascript:void(0); to menu link item instead of # but it is not accepting any JavaScript. Now i am thing to replace # with javascript:void(0); using filters, but could not find the ...
user3114253's user avatar
3 votes
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Remove/Disable "Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu"

Is there any way to disable or remove the "Auto add pages - Automatically add new top-level pages to this menu" functionality via a theme? I suppose I could hide it with a bit of CSS, but I'd rather ...
frogg3862's user avatar
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All custom links suddenly lack href attributes

Short version: before updating to WP 4.5 and on a day when the only known change was adding a page to a submenu via the navigation menu admin all of the menu links of type Custom Link where we specify ...
jerrygarciuh's user avatar
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Editing existing pre-created menus in PHP

Here's my pickle. I'm using a script to automatically create a fully pledged WordPress site. In this process new pages, etc are created automatically. I now need a way to add the newly created page(s) ...
Byron Kleingeld's user avatar
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Two theme locations for two menus, but only one is showing up

Here is what I try to achieve. I have two menus. One is going to be a top navigation that lists all the pages, and the other one is going to list post categories. in my header.php, I included the ...
oosniss's user avatar
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How to override the theme home page?

I'm using a theme that has it's own home page layout but I want to use a normal page instead. I can't find a way to change it because in Settings> Reading, the home page is already set to 'Home' (a ...
connersz's user avatar
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Where am I doing wrong in my theme menu?

Every thing works fine out of WordPress but the theme's dropdown menu doesn't work. Here is my functions.php code : register_nav_menus(array( 'primary' => esc_html__('Primary', 'codeha'), ));...
user avatar
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Navigation label for page in custom theme

In Appearance -> Menus, one can change a page´s navigation label. The label is what shows in the menus. However, i´m using a theme with a custom menu, always showing the full page´s title in the menu. ...
Gregor G.'s user avatar
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How to remove menu installed in wp-admin by a theme? [closed]

I installed Placester theme.And then disabled it, and deleted it. But there is still a menu there. How can I remove it? The only installed plugins are: Akismet Contact Form 7 Google Analytics by ...
KingsInnerSoul's user avatar
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Making menu link open in new tab?

I'm trying to add a top level menu to the left sidebar of the WordPress admin panel. Here's the code I currently have: add_action( 'admin_menu', 'linked_url' ); function linked_url() { add_menu_page(...
John's user avatar
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