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1 answer

adding an options menu that allows saving multiple sets of said options

There are several good examples and tutorials on how to add an options menu to a plugin. (Many of these seem confusingly old though, but that's another thing, I'm assuming stuff from 15 years ago ...
Ant Ax's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't add custom post type archive page to menu

I cannot add this custom post type archive page to any menu from the admin. Adding via the front end customizer works fine. Viewing the archive page on the front end also works fine. My custom post ...
Tommizzy's user avatar
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Hook event for upload image in the menu

I have to add the image in my dropdown. I know I can do this with CSS Classes (optional) but I don't want to do this. I want to add dynamically instead of open the code and change or add it. What I am ...
Naren Verma's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Add custom fields to specific menus

How do I add custom fields to a specific menu? For example, I have menu "Primary" with ID 13. How do I run the wp_nav_menu_item_custom_fields hook only if ID matches the currently selected ...
Justin Breen's user avatar
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Restrict user to edit only edit a certain menu

I'm using a plugin (User Role Editor) to take care of the user roles. This works fine, except that you can't give a user acces to only a certain menu. I have two menu's in my website. One 'main' menu ...
waterschaats's user avatar
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Wordpress menu not loading in the admin side appearence-> menu tab

Uncaught ReferenceError: columns is not defined load-scripts.php?c=0&load[]=jquery-core,jquery-migrate,utils,jquery-ui-core,jquery-ui-widget,jquery-ui-mouse,jquery-ui-sortable,jquery-ui-draggable,...
Naveen's user avatar
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1 answer

Need Help Regarding Menu Magement in admin

We have a very big mega menu around 800 product categories with it, It working fine in frontend but having issue with backend menu manager. The page is not even opening and giving memory exhausted ...
Anoop Singh's user avatar
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1 answer

Roles see different top menu (nav menu)

I'm new to WordPress but has some knowledge in HTML, CSS and and a little of PHP. I'm trying to make a new menu in "top menu" that will be hidden to users that are not admin, but will appear to admin ...
davvid09's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Missing Menus Structure

When I go to update my menu via Appearance → Menus, the "Menu Structure" on the right is completely missing. So I'm unable to update my menu. The Pages section is there, but no "Menu Structure". Has ...
nikospaz's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Theme menu in Admin Panel

I am new in WordPress Development. How can I get Menus in Admin Panel like below ? I am trying to develop a theme. But I couldn't display that.
abu abu's user avatar
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1 answer

Programmatically add existing pages and subpages to Appearance Menu

I have inherited a site with over 600 pages/subpages. I plan to use a plugin to change the way the navigation displays but it requires the pages to be in the Appearance -> Menu in this page: /wp-admin/...
Spencer Shattuck's user avatar
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1 answer

enqueue script during add menu items means before save menu items

I'm extended the Walker_Nav_Menu_Edit class and added some new custom fields based on some jQuery plugins like (wpColorPicker, fonIconPicker, and Select2). I'm called these functions from different js ...
Shwan Namiq's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Remove Pagination in Appearance -> Menus -> Categories

is there a way to remove the Pagination in the Wordpress Menu Editor? I have something like 200 categories in my blog and customising menus seems to be tricky when you have to click through it to ...
mad2kx's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

renaming an admin menu item with decimal array index number

I am trying to rename a menu item on my administration dashboard. Using the $GLOBALS['menu'], I have found the following array indexes [26.0648] => Array ( [0] => M.E. Calendar ... and [26] ...
boffies's user avatar
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1 answer

My connecting URL form in html to PHP does not work

as my previous question here maybe miss lead, my code does not work, what am i missing, i write in functions.php then, i call in header.php this is my form in functions.php: <form name="formvideo"...
mas bro's user avatar
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1 answer

menu behavior is not as expected

I am trying to develop one of those nav menus that has one on top of the other like so: I am not sure if the issue is with the way I coded my header.php: <!-- HEADER ==============================...
Daniel's user avatar
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0 answers

Show woocommerce categories on my theme menu styling

I am modifying a Theme I purchased since it is not prepared for woocommerce. It has an option to select a megamenu from a dropdown list on the menu where it says not megamenu. This is the code I find ...
ingalcala's user avatar
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2 votes
3 answers

Hiding Admin Page While Keeping Menu Expanded

I am creating a custom admin section. I have the following code: // Top level menu add_menu_page('Books', 'Books', 'publish_posts', 'books', 'render_books_page', '', 17); // Adding this function to ...
Greeso's user avatar
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2 answers

WordPress Plugin menu position overwrite other item

i've got a question. I created a plugin with a menu and i want to show this under the Dashboard menu-item. In some of my wordpress installations the dashboard item will be overwrited. How can i fix ...
ThomGO's user avatar
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how to create pages and link them to a menu

I am having some issues linking pages to the menus I have created. I used "appearance"-> "Customize"-> "Menu" and created custom menus from there since I cannot access my "Appearance/menu" properly. ...
kelvin's user avatar
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1 answer

How to let the role "editor" to control the menu?

How to let the role "editor" to control the menu the only code i found was $role_object = get_role( 'editor' ); but i couldn't use it
Mohamed Yasin's user avatar
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Dashicons not showed for admin menu

Wordpress version: 4.7.1 I'm registering a classic custom pot type register_post_type ( 'products', $products_args); Where $products_args contains menu_icon $products_args = array ( .... ...
realtebo's user avatar
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2 answers

Wp menu add page link as custom empty link

i've a problem with wp menu, in the admin panel when i try to add a new page link to menu it creates a custom empty link instead, everything was working fine until i installed qtransalte X, when i ...
Amine Faiz's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How to limit wordpress menu depth in admin panel

Is it possible to limit maximum menu depth in admin panel /nav-menus.php? I need this because my theme won't support more than two levels of menu, so there is no point in allowing a user to make ...
jmarceli's user avatar
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2 answers

Declaring <?php ?> in variables [closed]

I need to put the PHP <?php global $' . $icon_var . '; echo $' . $icon_var . '; ?> inside the variable of a custom menu structure, but it gets commented: <a href="">...
SLembas's user avatar
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1 answer

How to remove menu installed in wp-admin by a theme? [closed]

I installed Placester theme.And then disabled it, and deleted it. But there is still a menu there. How can I remove it? The only installed plugins are: Akismet Contact Form 7 Google Analytics by ...
KingsInnerSoul's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

how to only add a top-level admin menu without it creating a sub-level-menu

Here is a the code snippet: add_action( 'admin_menu', 'travel_site' ); function travel_site(){ add_menu_page( 'Travel Site Menu', 'Travel Site', 'manage_options', 'travel-site-menu', '...
dave's user avatar
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1 answer

Admin: sub menu doesnt display under apperance when activate my themes

I got a strange issue in WordPress. I build a themes for WordPress. when I activate my theme, some sub-menu under appearance in admin panel where missing. If I activate another themes it works normal....
Ramesh Murugesan's user avatar
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wp_is_mobile() inside js

I've stumbled upon a issue that i can't fix. I've implemented a autocollapse menu ..all works fine UNTILL i go to mobile version where the wp core's menu bugs out with my menu js code. Basicly i ...
andreiudeiu's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Dynamic admin submenu

I'm creating a plugin for WordPress with dynamic sub-menu's fetched from the server. Putting the dynamic loading of sub-menu's into the menu_setup() hook function would slow down other WordPress ...
Kivylius's user avatar
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1 answer

WP Admin Bar - Get current theme name as custom menu title

I wish to echo the current theme in text in my WP Admin Bar sub menu. How would I go about display a snippet of PHP inside the 'title' => 'php snippet here', ?
Uncle Iroh's user avatar
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How to create menu in Word Press 4.2.2?

How to create menu in Word Press 4.2.2? I have opened a dashboard and there are no so options visible. How to fix that? I want to make a menu for all pages I`ve created. Thank you.
VassiaAlk's user avatar
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How to call a certain object/menubar in a PHP file

I made a template and had some help with adding a CSS file to the template. Now I'm stuck on the question, how do I add a certain menubar to my header. Example: topbar - has menu with "Welcome %...
theHubi's user avatar
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2 answers

Appearance > Menus

I have added custom WordPress admin menu and pages, however, I would like for it to appear in the "Appearance > Menus" section so that the user can add it in the menu structure of their website. ...
dellboy's user avatar
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Removing menu item doesn't get removed on edit post

I have removed some menu links for a basic contributor role, just that when the user access the edit post section they re-appear(wp-admin/post.php?post=24731&action=edit). What am I missing? This ...
Adrian's user avatar
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1 answer

Sub Menu content is being duplicated

In the plugin I am developing I am using the following code to build my menu - add_menu_page('BCRM Plugin Settings', 'BCRM', 'administrator', __FILE__, 'bcrm_settings_page', BOOGIE__PLUGIN_URL . ...
ILikeTurtles's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add custom field option with menu?

Please take a look at below image. Here we can see URL, Navigation Label & Title Attribute under Menu Structure >> Home. I need there a more option called "Data Description". I have a task to ...
Ankur's user avatar
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2 answers

Is It Possible To A Link To The Homepage From The Admin Sidebar?

The closest I've managed to get is: function redirect_to_local_110(){ wp_redirect("/", 302); exit; } function add_home_link() { add_menu_page( 'Course', 'Course', 'read', 'home', '...
Undistraction's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

How to make pages metabox display all hierarchy in menu admin?

Running WP 3.9.1 I've got lots of pages and sub pages. When I get to create menu lots of sub pages doesn't display on the right level, but some do? This is how the pages metabox is displayed The ...
pyverret's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I get an array/list of all current WordPress Admin Menu items?

I would like to somehow retrieve a list of all current admin menu items, even the ones created by themes/plugins. Is it possible?
bryceadams's user avatar
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How can I pass value to function in add_menu_page?

I was use to pass value to function for the below menu. add_menu_page('Competition Manager 2013-2014', '2013-2014', 'manage_options', 'manager_2013_2014', 'manager_2013_2014', plugins_url( '...
sanilts's user avatar
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2 answers

Logout hyperlink within a sub-menu

I have the following secondary navigation menu on my website which has been built using the native WordPress Appearance > Menus feature: I am also using the following lines of code in my functions....
user1752759's user avatar
2 votes
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Is it possible to add a filter for the output of nav-menu items in admin?

I want to remove certain input fields on the admin screen for nav-menus for specific menu positions. I've used filters to filter front-end output but not for admin output. Is there a filter available ...
tommyf's user avatar
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Custom Taxonomy Showing in WP Menu

I have 3 taxonomies bundled with my custom post type. I have noticed my custom post type(cpt) and 2 taxonomies won't show in the Wordpress menu system but 1 taxonomy will. Can anyone point me in the ...
Blaine Huff's user avatar
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Remove submenu item from list

I have the following script within my functions.php file to avoid certain users from modifying things they shouldn't and would like to remove one more item, the Appearances > Themes submenu. function ...
user1752759's user avatar
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Plugin admin list pages as submenu

I am creating a plugin for a custom admin menu based in the admin area. My wordpress template is consisted of 5 pages with different templates and some custom variables that the end user would be ...
Panagiotis's user avatar
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Function Reference for custom link in Admin Menu Management Page

What is the function reference for the text within the URL field in the Admin Menu page? I have a PHP function that is utilizing the_content function reference to look for specific file paths and ...
UkrVolk11's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

Add separator to admin submenu

I would like to add a separator to the admin submenu section, NOT in the top level section. I'm thinking of using javascript and styling to do the job, but I was wondering if there's a more ...
Giraldi's user avatar
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How do I fix this error: Warning: invalid argument supplied for foreach()?

I recently moved a wordpress install from my local instance to a dev server. For the move, I installed a clean version of wordpress 3.4, moved exact duplicates of the file structre, and used the ...
timshutes's user avatar
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How can I add a menu item to the admin area?

I've used almost all of the Wordpress example code but it still doesn't work. I've put the php file under wp-content/plugins/menuitem/ .The code is simple <?php add_action('admin_menu', '...
Andrija's user avatar
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