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user-new.php less detailed after WP3.1; how to revert?

I updated WP to 3.1, and one issue my organization (which uses WP in Network Mode) is having is the Add New User page in wp-admin is now much less detailed -- before it was more like profile.php, with ...
aendra's user avatar
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Wordpress multi user registration sites

For one of our customers we are currently creating a (mobile) news app which include the blogs of their WP multisite. We made an REST connection between the DB but are stuck at the following problem: ...
rwzdoorn's user avatar
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Using a number for limiting registering or banning on multisite

I want to ban people or limit registering on unique national ID (You can think it as 11 digit number). Is there any plugin or a code snippet you know? Site will based on MultiSite + BuddyPress. ...
Ünsal Korkmaz's user avatar
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Wordpress stuck in deleting user

We’ve run into an issue with our WP Multisite where we cannot delete user accounts. The URL i keep getting is: It should look something ...
user3067592's user avatar
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Unsure of my options, Multi-blog?

I'm looking to create a system where people can sign up and post content to my blog. A bit like each user having their own mini blog within my main one. The blog site is based on car projects that all ...
lil_bugga's user avatar
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How to get the blogs owned by a user?

I have setup WP MU and I would like to get a list of blogs a user owns. Is there a method that gets this info? More info: I only have one page for the user to login. I need to get the blogs they own ...
1.21 gigawatts's user avatar
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how or where wordress collect unlogged user session

i see the pattern in some theme where we can collect session of unlogged user. for example, in a comment form: After user commenting, user can see that the their comment is waiting for a moderation. ...
justjoe's user avatar
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