Questions tagged [nonce]

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69 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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WordPress REST API call generates nonce twice on every call

I'm trying to login a user via the REST API, and then retrieve the current user on subsequent requests. As per the documentation, in my plugin, I am creating and retrieving a nonce after a successful ...
kvnam's user avatar
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WordPress “Link has expired” error on updating posts

I'm maintaining a WordPress site on GoDaddy for a client and they started to get the "this link has expired error" when they saved a post. It does not happen when I upload a file. However, I am ...
Josh's user avatar
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Wordpress password reset - why post rp_key?

I'm developing a plugin and after reading through wp-login.php, I can't seem to work out why some things are done the way they are. Why does WordPress hide the reset password key from the URL? After ...
Matt's user avatar
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Why does Wordpress Heartbeat login not refresh the nonces?

Here's an interesting experiment: Go to wordpress plugins listing page, notice the activate, deactivate links all have a nonce part in the request. In a second tab, log out of the site, and go back ...
NoBugs's user avatar
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Log in user using Wordpress REST API

I am having problems authenticating a user after logging in using a custom endpoint using the WordPress REST API. I'm aware that this is not the perfect approach but I am just trying to make a few ...
Courtney's user avatar
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Nonces, AJAX, script variables & security in WordPress

Alright, so let's say you develop a website where you enqueue a js script on a page X of your frontend, using: wp_enqueue_script( 'script_handle', PATH_TO_SCRIPT, array(), '1.0.0', true ); ...
DevelJoe's user avatar
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Full page NGINX (or Cloudflare) caching and WordPress nonces

Goal: I want to cache the full WordPress response via NGINX and exclusively use the REST API for the user specific parts. Issue: I can't get an authenticated nonce to use against the API. My plan ...
JSP's user avatar
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SSO autologin Wordpress + Ajax

That one keeps me awake at night. The problem is that the user is properly logging in, but AFTER page refresh and should be immediately logged in without page reload. Need a fresh eyes to look at it. ...
WP Help Cat's user avatar
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nonce_user_logged_out to assign guests unique nonces breaks ajax calls

I've been researching implementing unique guest nonces via nonce_user_logged_out - for reference. So far I can generate nonces for the random UID I create: add_filter( 'nonce_user_logged_out', '...
ghosted's user avatar
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Nonce verification problem when logging in after a logout

I'm having a problem with nonce verification. The theme I'm using has an AJAX login form that has nonce as a hidden field. It normally goes to my account page after a logout, and I can re-login from ...
FlyingFish's user avatar
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wp_localize_script being cached

I've faced a problem of nonce value is being cached. I've embed the nonce in html by using wp_localize_script() However, the cache plugin has cached this value. Which result in nonce invalid from time ...
PokxE's user avatar
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How to use nonce

I am learning Plugin development. I have several MetaBox call back functions. In this regard where should I use wp_nonce_field() ?
abu abu's user avatar
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"The link you followed has expired" & "Error while saving" messages when adding new post

I'm currently unable to publish new posts on my wordpress site. Whenever I try, I get a "The link you followed has expired" error after clicking the "publish" button. Also, as I'm ...
Harrison's user avatar
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Nonce failing on form submission

I'm updating some code in one of my WordPress plugins by adding a nonce to improve security. The plugin that has a form that generates some output that the user can copy and paste as a shortcode. At ...
Chris J. Zähller's user avatar
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Found 2 elements with non-unique id (#_ajax_nonce) and (#_wpnonce)

I am developing custom theme from scratch and creates a custom post type and getting this warning while editing custom post type. I also design custom Meta box with two input fields and using nonce in ...
Ali Mirza's user avatar
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Draft preview and customize permission problems on multisite main site

So I've been stuck on this problem for quite a while now and it feels like I've tried everything. I would love for some support here. Setup A WordPress multisite with Bedrock structure PHP 7.3.17 (...
nocpol's user avatar
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x-wp-nonce across domains

I've installed WPML with a multiple domain configuration (one domain per language). The wrong thing is that, when editing for example a post while using a different domain from the main, it just ...
SirLouen's user avatar
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Is nonce in PHP form and Ajax both necessary?

I have a php form which is submitted through jQuery Ajax. Previously i had used nonce with Ajax and PHP form seperately. Here i am using wp_nonce_field() in PHP form. Is it necessary to use ...
Shadow's user avatar
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Why ajax doesn't work on certain wordpress hooks and reload the page instead?

I built an ajax function which works perfectly when i hook it to admin_head or admin_notices hooks but it doesn't work when i hook it to manage_posts_extra_tablenav hook, instead of doing the ajax ...
Islam Mohamed's user avatar
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Why ajax doesn't work on certain wordpress hooks?

I built an ajax function which works perfectly when i hook it to admin_head or admin_notices hooks but it doesn't work when i hook it to manage_posts_extra_tablenav hook, instead of doing the ajax ...
Islam Mohamed's user avatar
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How to check nonce lifetime value of plugins?

Dear StackExchange users, I currently use the premium version of WP Fastest Cache Premium. My website loads very fast, but I always get a 403 error for wp-admin/ajax. I believe there is a plugin ...
Niklas's user avatar
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Are nonces in WP REST API optional by default?

I'm switching my code from using wp-ajax to the REST API and got puzzled regarding the nonces. First of all, I find it weird that you have to use wp_rest only, since API has many different methods and ...
Dmitry Gamolin's user avatar
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Encountering "Wrong nonce. Action prohibitied." when trying to alter User Role and unable to Post via WP Admin

The plugin in question that I believe is displaying this message is the User Role Editor, although I do not believe it is causing the issue as users who should have permissions to make posts on the ...
Karl Brown's user avatar
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Is there value in using a wp_nonce for POST requests?

All of the examples I see using wp_create_nonce are in the context of a GET request. You embed a nonce in URLs to ensure malicious links or scripts can't trick a user into, say, deleting a post. ...
James Beninger's user avatar
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Nonce fails on ajax save

I have made options page with 2 forms and two separate nonce fields, and other input fields that I save with AJAX. The issue is that every time I save and call my function to save options via AJAX I ...
dingo_d's user avatar
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Bypass nonce value while trashing a post

I want to move a post in trash but the condition is that simultaneously I need to delete some more posts. Sample Code: jQuery(function($) { $('#delete-action a').unbind(); $('#delete-action a'...
Xing Lee's user avatar
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My custom write panels won't save data. What am I missing?

So far I've been reading some tutorials about ways to create Custom Write Panels. It seems that none of them will really work without some bug. I'd like to discuss one of those tuts here: http://www....
Circuit Circus's user avatar
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Nonce validation in REST API

I am creating a headless Wordpress website. Wordpress backend (port 8888), VueJS frontend (port 8081). Data is loaded via REST API. This works fine. Now I want to implement the preview-functionality. ...
klaaskox's user avatar
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How to stop a nonce from being cached in an inline script, or alternatives to regenerate it if expired?

I have an inline script that gets added into some WordPress pages which fires an AJAX request. We pass a nonce in that script, when using full page caching that nonce might have expired and therefore ...
bigdaveygeorge's user avatar
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Accessing an auth protected custom WP API enpoint from remote origin

I'm creating a Chrome browser extension that connects to a WordPress through its custom REST API endpoints. Retrieving data types that don't require an authorized user to be logged in works fine, as ...
Vitor Rodrigues's user avatar
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How do i set up ajax nonce

Follow the doc, I tried to set up X-WP-NONCE before ajax sent data to custom route, but it show wpApiSettings.nonce not defined. If don't set beforeSend, on the back end still can pass the nonce ...
Basco's user avatar
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WooCommerce Order Sync via Custom REST API Endpoint Failing

I have a WooCommerce website with a specialized plugin that syncs orders to a delivery company. This plugin adds a button next to each order in the orders table, which, when clicked, triggers a sync. ...
TheSwiss's user avatar
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1st dynamic table row content is not saved on initial update

This is what is used in my plugin. A meta field that allows the user in a page editor to add table rows and three columns. As many rows as needed. The issue I am facing is I add a row, then populate ...
Chris Parsons's user avatar
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Rest API nonce is being cached

I'm building a custom Rest Api endpoint. User can call this endpoint via ajax request in the frontend together with nonce value which was created by wp_localize_script( 'some-js', 'wpApiSettings', [ ...
PokxE's user avatar
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Wp doesn't save meta box data

My WP doesn't save my meta box data. I see the metabox and the field, but the data doesn't saving. Somebody could help me? Thank you. This is the code: // 1. Metabox létrehozása function my_meta_box(){...
Eszter's user avatar
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Weird nonce validation problem

I have a front-end form (ie, should work for non-logged-in users) with a nonce - "my-nonce-name". The problem is that it sometimes verifies upon submission and sometimes not, for - to me - ...
yms's user avatar
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How to obtain "wp_rest" nonce for WP Statistics plugin manually?

During my pentest of a client's websites I stumbled upon the WP with vulnerable WP Statistics plugin installed. To exploit this vulnerability, I should send a JSON-API request to endpoint /json-api/wp-...
skavans's user avatar
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How to verify which WordPress user requested the API in ASP .NET Core?

I have a use-case where I have a WordPress site and an ASP .NET Core as a Restful API backend. I use the WordPress site entire for Frontend, CMS, and User Authentication. On certain pages of my ...
user2672399's user avatar
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WP_List_Table Inside Metabox With Bulk Actions Not Working on Submit

I'm trying to display a WP_List_table inside a metabox. The metabox is for questions which are from assessment_question custom post type.The metabox is being displayed on an other custom post type '...
Muhammad Faizan Haidar's user avatar
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WordPress "nonce" message

Random question but I can't work it out or find a solution. I need to find a way to change the WordPress "nonce" message. I'd like to replace to replace "nonce" with "error&...
Paul's user avatar
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Reliable way to add nonce to HTTP Header in WordPress?

I am trying to implement CSP on my wordpress site. Inspired by this question, I tried to build a way to add nonces to my ...
Aditya Agarwal's user avatar
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wp_nonce vs jwt

I’ve recently added jwt authentication to my website because frontend of my site is completely decoupled from backend. What I haven’t thought of is that I could use wp_nonce instead of jwt - create ...
user avatar
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CSP nonces with Cloudflare Workers

Like this blog, I use Cloudflare Workers to inject CSP (Content Security Policy) nonce in headers : This is functional. Next, ...
sebfaed's user avatar
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Change button link to add nonce

I am making a Logout button, but in order for it to work properly the link needs to have the correct nonce ("". I have found in another ...
Filipe Rocha's user avatar
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wp_verify_nonce not working on the mobile device

I am using a very simple form request to and verify it through the wp_verify_nonce() function. It is working perfectly on the desktop. But not working on mobile devices( iPhone, Andriod ). Could ...
jogesh_pi's user avatar
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How do I mitigate replay attacks when talking about actions that shouldn't happen twice?

A nonce is supposed to first help me against CSRF and help against replay attacks is just a bonus if I "personalize" the nonce to something like pay-user-{id}, but here's the problem - if my link ...
Daniel Simmons's user avatar
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Why are nonces working in Firefox but not in Chrome?

I created the nonce when I localize a script file: wp_localize_script('cad-search', 'cad_ajax', array( 'ajaxurl' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), 'nonce'=> wp_create_nonce('...
AlanP's user avatar
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whether a nonce is required for get type and get_query_var?

I have a front form that allows filtering. I think I need a nonce but I am not sure to use it or not. I use the get_query_var method to modify the main query. It uses a get method. whether a nonce is ...
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Unable to update plugins or log out

The server my site was hosted on recently went down and someone else was able to fix it for me. I am unclear on what exactly the issues with the server were, but since the site came back up, my cron ...
ellen's user avatar
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Does it make sense to check a nonce on user log in?

I read the following blog post about implementing custom user log in: In the post, the author walks through some PHP code for ...
Jesse Aldridge's user avatar