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Mobile version displaying all wrong after custom theme rewrites

Apologies if this is a dumb question. I'm a total novice at this and still learning as I go. I've been converting my site design into a WordPress custom theme using this tutorial. So far everything's ...
cnolanpdx's user avatar
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How do I make elements in mobile only reverse order?

First I'm not sure of the best way to word my question. Any help is appreciated and I will revise it. I have sections in web that have alternating order as you scroll text | image image | text ...
jeancode's user avatar
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Disable save as image on smartphones using all browsers ( chrome, firefox, ie, cm, opera )

i want to disable the option to save as images on smartphones (android and IOS) using mobile browsers like chrome, firefox, ie, cm, opera, ie. Could anyone have a solution to this? chi
Panos's user avatar
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Sub menu indicator that links to sub menu

I am trying to create a custom mobile menu for my wordpress site. I have looked around the net for an answer and found similar things or different ways that I can accomplish this but not in the way ...
DomCan's user avatar
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Create theme for mobile phones and tablets only?

I've been checking the docs but I only found a way to use different style sheet for phones and tablets. Is there a way to create another different theme only for mobile phones and tablets? And I'm ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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Wordpress Menu Exchange On Tablet's Orientation

I am using the plugin PHP Browser Detection and I want to achieve different menus for different devices. I have set them up called primary and mobile. Now, I want to switch those on used device. ...
vega's user avatar
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Wordpress Menu Exchange for Mobile Layout

I want to have two different menus for desktop and mobile phone users. So, I have created two places for two menus (primary, mobile) with this function: functions.php: function is_register_my_menus(...
vega's user avatar
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Switch to other theme at URL

I want to switch to another theme at when a user visits Then, redirect mobile users to with htaccess based on their user-agent. I have the htaccess redirect rules ...
Ronin's user avatar
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Replace the slug of parent pages with # [closed]

I'm creating a Wordpress site with a Superfish CSS3 / Jquery dropdown menu, complete with hoverIntent as displayed here: As far as I can ...
chocolata's user avatar
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Javascript Solution Remove Specific Tag but leave the rest in a specific DIV

I have a div structure that looks like this... <div class="gallery_lightview"> <div id="lg_image"> <a href="
Matt's user avatar
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WP Super Cache separate cache for mobile

I'm using the WP Super Cache plugin and inside my theme I have code that executes differently if the site is viewed on a mobile device (iOS, Android) than a desktop browser. How do make WP Super ...
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Mobilepress fails to translate short codes

I launched mobile version of my site some days ago. It was looking fine. I used mobilepress for the same. But i found that shortcodes are being displayed as simple text. is there any other plugin to ...
Amit Kumar Gupta's user avatar