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Add Button to Bottom of Mobile Menu

How to add a button to the bottom of the Mobile Menu. The way I'm currently implementing it, I'm using the last item on the Menu as my Button(after styling it with CSS) Have made it position ...
Shailesh's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Disable save as image on smartphones using all browsers ( chrome, firefox, ie, cm, opera )

i want to disable the option to save as images on smartphones (android and IOS) using mobile browsers like chrome, firefox, ie, cm, opera, ie. Could anyone have a solution to this? chi
Panos's user avatar
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Mobile User Registration

I am writing an android (and eventually iphone) app that is proposing to register a user to a wordpress site. The intent is to have the user registration solely through the mobile device and not ...
user1530230's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How can I make a wp site in a mobile application?

Which are the ways and how is possible a wp site become an iphone, ipad, android and a blackberry application(not a wp mobile theme)?
Alex's user avatar
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6 votes
5 answers

How do I make my blog iPad / iPhone / Android friendly?

How do I make sure my blog is iPad / iPhone / Android / touch-device friendly?
artlung's user avatar
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