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Metabox types list

For example, in below code snippet, there are some types for custom metabox input fields such as text and textarea.So, I want to learn other types.I searched it on google also but I couldnt....
I dont believe you's user avatar
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Adding a drop-down (select tag) option under Menu Settings in WordPress Admin

I looked (surfed) around a lot to get idea of how can I add custom field/drop-down under "Menu Settings" in WordPress Admin. I want a select tag with options from which I can get value based on the ...
divy3993's user avatar
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Support Multiple featured images

I've created a WordPress theme where in one of my pages I need to use two feature images, I know already how to add support for the featured image and I'm using it. My need is how to add a second ...
Abu Romaïssae's user avatar
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Is there a way to create a meta box that can be added multiple times to a post dynamically?

This shouldn't be that difficult (I wouldn't think) ... I just want to have a section of my theme (directors) that has the name of the director / their bio in the title and post respectively (done). ...
Robert French's user avatar