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$_POST from a Meta Box

From my reading, the editor page of a post is wrapped in a form tag meaning a standard HTML form won't work within a Meta Box. What I'm trying to achieve is a meta box with two fields e.g. Name & ...
Colin's user avatar
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Wordpress CPT Url metabox collection

How can I set for my Custom Post Type 'company' different url's if this company have multiple locations. For example: CPT: "company" with slug CPT Company Post:"Company ABC"...
Matt's user avatar
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I need show posts by customer (Shortcode)

I have customers in one new custom post type. And in my posts is created one metabox with all customers (select option). Only need compare, what option select user and show all post by this customer ...
Luis Paico's user avatar
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My own metabox checkbox plugin only saves the last value I've checked

I'm building my own metabox with checkboxes. I want to save the values of the checkboxes I've cheked as categories (IDs). I have build an array to append the values of the checkboxes, but it only ...
Tiyome's user avatar
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Add meta box for Featured Image caption in wp-admin/post-new.php

I want to add a meta box in my wp-admin/post-new.php page. Someone please help me. I've recently searched for solutions but can't find the answer in any tutorials I've read. I try to modify html ...
Caldas's user avatar
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Remove All in One Seo from Posts for Contributors

I am using latest version of All In One Seo Package. How can I remove metaboxes from posts for User Role: "Contributors"?
Naser's user avatar
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Meta boxes not saving

I have a custom post with two custom meta boxes that I add using this tutorial: When I update the post, it disappears. My code: function ...
Cristina Martín Ruesgas's user avatar
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How to make post page unique and show it on home page?

I don't know if the title is correct but I'll try to explain my question below. I have created a custom post type "Projects" and the trick is that one project have to be unique and displayed on ...
isBatak's user avatar
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Edit post meta direct from post.php?

Does anyone know of an easy way to be able to edit ALL of a single post's meta at once ie on the post.php &action=edit page? As some of the meta has been put in there with the update_post_meta() ...
Bysander's user avatar
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How can add metabox for post of specific category before save post and after save post [duplicate]

I want to add Metabox for the posts of category=5 and i am using the following code but unable to do so . So please help me out-> add_action('admin_init','my_meta_init'); function my_meta_init() { ...
Jordan Leigh's user avatar
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Some comment box wordpress in 1 post [closed]

Can I add more sections to comment on the same post? For example, I have an Entry and it has 4 tabs, In every tab you need a comments section, Is this possible? Thanks
Gabriel Intriago's user avatar
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How to Arrange Support => Thumbnail

Good Afternoon, I've created a CPT that mainly uses Featured Images, I would like to know how to rearrange this box to appear in the center where 'content editor' would go instead of the right (...
misterzik's user avatar
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Display a post count from a custom metabox selection

I was wondering if this is possible. I have a custom post type call projects that displays a metabox with drop down menu. In that drop down menu I have a few choices listed, draft, open, pending, ...
user3756781's user avatar
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Display metabox with date

I'm trying to add metabox with date in WordPress. I used code from this page It works well, but I have a problem displaying the metabox values on page. My loop: <?php query_posts(array('...
blam4nz's user avatar
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How to separate metabox data in front/backend

I just created a kind of long metabox using a tutorial at wptuts but I am lost in two things: The output of the metabox displays all data grouped (ex. in grouped checkboxes they are all in a whole ...
artist learning to code's user avatar
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How can I create a menu items from meta box based on users input

I have created a metabox that takes a name that the user can give as an additional name of their post. I am wondering how I can automatically create a menu item based on the name the user input into ...
user1632018's user avatar
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Whats the point of returning a value in AUTO_SAVE [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Return $post_id when DOING_AUTOSAVE? if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) { return $post_id; } I always see this in custom made themes, but is it ...
All4Gaming's user avatar
-1 votes
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Create A Metabox For A Custom Field

I add videos to my WordPress posts' video format by using custom fields. I was wondering if there is any way to create a meta box in post editor (like excerpt or something) for that specific custom ...
Hardeep Asrani's user avatar
-2 votes
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Canot save post if any meta box was empty

I need to dont save new post from custom post type if any meta box empty. So we must check the meta if empty, we mus show me " You must fill all meta box value before save post" else if all meta ...
Khalid Ahmed's user avatar