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Creating an If/Else statement using WPAlchemy MetaBox radio boxs

I am using the WPAlchemy MetaBox Class to create additional metaboxs on my site. One has a section with a group of radio boxes. I've coded it as follows: <?php $mb->the_field('docposs'); ...
Isendra's user avatar
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PHP Puzzle: Unique Styles with PHP loop

The Puzzle: I am currently working on a music blog that has various venues and numerous locations that are laid out at the top of each post as follows: USA.California.Los Angeles. Hollywood Bowl ...
mmaximalist's user avatar
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Adding a custom "Add Custom Field" button to Custom Meta boxes

Did I use custom enough in the title? Here is a quick explanation of what I am doing. I am creating a genealogy site and I have a custom post type called "Ancestor" In this post type there is quite ...
Isendra's user avatar
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Custom select box meta field

For my custom post type i needed to add the Attribute Meta box, but i wanted to add an extra field to it. So here i have copied the Page Attribute meta box code and added my select options, but i ...
cnotethegr8's user avatar
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How to get the value of particular get $meta value in wordpress

I am using this wordpress Script to add metaboxes under posts.. I followed as it was written.. but I am having trouble on how to get those values in singe.php Example an uploaded image Please guide me ...'s user avatar
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1 answer

add a "list" into add meta box : problem

i found a code searching through stackexchange --> to create a "list" inside a meta box of a custom type, BUT, i don't see anything appearing in this meta box, except the input field (which comes from ...
Paul_p's user avatar
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Metadata in loops

I have a standard Wordpress loop displaying items: $loop = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'images', 'orderby' => 'menu_order', ) ); while (...
Wordpressor's user avatar
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Move title "meta box" in post mode

I've created a custom post type with my own custom meta boxes. Now I want to move the title box to the side or simply remove it and place the same content in a custom meta box. How do I go about to ...
INT's user avatar
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How to hide metaboxes in WordPress Admin on WooCommerce "Add Product" page - Remove side sortables for a specific user role

How do I hide certain metaboxes in WordPress Admin screen options for specific user roles? For example, I allow the user role "Store Vendor" to access the WordPress admin to upload their ...
Andrew124's user avatar
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1 answer

Category Template - to be editable from the backend?

I have different categories that includes posts of the category. I want to add text and images before or after the posts of the categories are displayed on the frontend. I want to solve this via ...
Torben's user avatar
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1 answer

Saving an upload media meta box field

I'm using the answer for this previous question (link below) to generate a custom meta box with media upload functionality: Add "upload media" button in meta box field I've managed to get ...
rikardo85's user avatar
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3 answers

Allow iframe in custom meta box

I've created a custom meta box called 'Location Map' and want to provide a functionality to the client to simply copy paste the location's google map's iframe embed code so that it directly appears on ...
nimsrules's user avatar
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Adding different classes to different images depending on size for fine control of image layout in posts

I have all the CSS classes set to display images in a custom portfolio theme. I am allowing for images of different sizes and proportions (landscape, portrait, etc) to be tiled next to each other and ...
Hanna's user avatar
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4 answers

Possible to add meta box to edit.php pages?

I've been googling this for a while, and came across this link here: Can I limit this meta box to a particular page? What I am trying to achieve is adding a custom Meta Boxe I created onto a CPT ...
Roc's user avatar
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Display custom meta box in my template file

Need help displaying my custom meta boxes on a template file. Following a tutorial Here's the code from my functions.php: function get_custom_field( $value ) { global $post; $custom_field = ...
SPS's user avatar
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2 answers

Calling Data from Custom Meta Box

I have created a custom meta box which I have pasted in functions.php (minus the <?php call of course) I have two fields in this meta box, one is labeled 'Primary Title' and the other is labeled '...
AndrettiMilas's user avatar
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1 answer

Display custom field value into content with hyperlink

The following code helped me to display the "Custom Field" value in the the_content section. But I need a help to make it to show as a hyperlink. Here is the code: function wpa_content_filter( $...
vancy's user avatar
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Meta Box plugin image_advanced not showing up on frontend

I'm using the Meta Box plugin on a site and am having trouble with one of the meta boxes options. I've got it working fine in the backend, but when I use it in a page template all i get on the front ...
bcnuggs's user avatar
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Create A Metabox For A Custom Field

I add videos to my WordPress posts' video format by using custom fields. I was wondering if there is any way to create a meta box in post editor (like excerpt or something) for that specific custom ...
Hardeep Asrani's user avatar
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How to Create a Repeatable Meta Box

I would like to know how to create repeatable meta-boxes like in this video: [starts at around 40 seconds]. I saw an answer on how one creates a repeatable section within ...
user11522's user avatar
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Using CMB2 Plugin to create text_date metabox (datepicker) How do I save multiple dates? [closed]

I currently have a metabox with a custom date field but I'm wondering how do I customize it to save multiple dates instead of just one? (I need it to function similar to the tags metabox)?
abc0213's user avatar
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CPT Template Option to Top

I edited the following core file because I was unable to make the change in my child theme. I need my CPT Template option to appear first in the Post Attributes -- Template drop down list. I made it ...
MLH's user avatar
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How can i remove blank area caused by theme's post meta boxes?

I have a problem with my theme's post screen metaboxes. When i add new portfolio items, there is some meta boxes which i dont need to use in my post screen. And if i leave them blank and publish the ...
Sinan's user avatar
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Adding Meta Box to Specific Submenu Page

I've created this page: function wpdocs_register_my_setting() { add_submenu_page( 'edit.php?post_type=task', 'View Tasks', 'View Tasks', 'manage_options', '...
dcolumbus's user avatar
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How to add a custom meta box below publish box in CPT that is like publish meta box and can contains html?

How can i add a custom meta box below publish box in CPT that will be like publish meta box and contain some html code? See the attached shot for more info.
Abu Hayat's user avatar
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How do I allow Authors and Contributors to use the metabox

i add meta box for custom post type and all user no-admin cannot show it. How can solved this ?? add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', 'comic_meta_box' ); function comic_meta_box() { ...
Khalid Ahmed's user avatar
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CSS styling not working in a custom metabox

I have some difficulies styling Meta Box content of a custom post. No CSS styling is applied. I made a really simple testbased on what I have read on the other post here. metabox creation: ...
HoGo's user avatar
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Need help, Passing variables with get_post_meta

$slider_image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), 'slider'); $slider_thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->...
llary's user avatar
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1 answer

Remove action of an external plugin after checking if custom post meta is set

Edit:The problem were 2 folds - somehow the order list I found before indicated wp_head was before wp_enqueue_scripts but that is not the case. Found another more updated one and it is actually right ...
Nick Li's user avatar
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1 answer

How we insert values into database using metabox Wordpress?

function Review_Form(){ ?> <form action="" method="post"> <div class="container"> <h1>Add Review</h1> <hr> <label for=&...
Fakhar alam's user avatar
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Show search for data extracted from metabox

In custom post type book I have several books published I just want to show data obtained from metabox field but I have not been able to help me the code that I am showing does not work <?php $...
Stymark's user avatar
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Use a Variable in update_post_meta as the $meta_key

looking at the example on update_post_meta( $post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value, $prev_value ); I seem to be having a problem replacing $meta_key with a variable. here is my code ...
MFWebMaster's user avatar
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display all registered meta boxes

i want to display the list of all the meta boxes of each post. the global variable wp_meta_boxes would not print anything on the screen. how can i print the value of the array to get the list of all ...
sophy's user avatar
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Input select option Change Content in Metabox

I'm making a "Input select option" in Custom Metabox for my plugin, I'm not Expert in PHP I don;t know How to Save user "Input select option". Working perfectly plain PHP. public function ...
Noufal Binu's user avatar
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send meta box input data without publish button

I want to add meta-box in my plugin but i want add two inputs and one button like submit button when i click on submit button then input fields data send to database and received but how this is ...
scoteh nigout's user avatar
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Datepicker altField and altFormat to save a new meta key/value in a post?

I've created a new metabox for Woocommerce products using the Meta Box plugin that takes in an event date using Datepicker. I'm using the st-event_start_date metadata to show the date on a grid ...
Hunter Becton's user avatar
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after checked the checkbox in backend, dont show social link on frontend

I want to do something like if I checked/unchecked a checkbox in admin then all social links in the page footer on fronted hide/show. function add_custom_meta_box() {add_meta_box("demo-meta-box", "...
WP_boss's user avatar
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Display div based on Group metabox selection [closed]

I am having an issue with the below code when it comes to displaying a div based on a specific metabox is filled in. I am using the Group metabox selection from CMB2 to handle my metaboxes. As of ...
bigant841's user avatar
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Issues on saving data from CPT select metabox

I can't save data from a select metabox. My code is Where I'm going wrong? Edit: Here is my code function fichasvtmbasicas_meta_box_callback( $post ) { ...
Eva Morrissey's user avatar
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Custom Metaboxes, multiple post selection

I have the following custom meta-box, which works to list a post type, I simply want to allow multiple values to be selected but cannot get it to work, it appears if I tell the select to store ...
Scorch's user avatar
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Conditonally check if Custom Meta Box has input

I currently display a URL from a custom meta box, but wanted to add a conditional check, so that if nothing has been entered, not to display the link text. <a target="_blank" href="<?php $...
Huw Rowlands's user avatar
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Decimal stripped from metabox number

I am working on a Wordpress website for a client to show several property listings and their associated prices. When I enter the number in the metabox created by the developer it strips out all ...
Kristin P's user avatar
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Dynamic background image used in css after selector

.about-img:after { background-image: url(../img/tola.jpeg); } How to dynamic above code in WordPress? It's not only background image but used in css after selector.
Shakir Ahmad's user avatar
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How to change data format in custom meta box field [closed]

I want to chage date format to d-m-y means day-month-year format . I have added 'date_format' => __( 'd-m-Y', 'cmb2' ) But not working. now it's month-day-year formated . Actually i want to ...
Saiful's user avatar
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metabox displaying on incorrect page

I've got two different functions that output different metabox's one is for the pages and the other is for just the post. For some reason the one I created for posts overwrites the one on pages and ...
Dannyw24's user avatar
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Canot save post if any meta box was empty

I need to dont save new post from custom post type if any meta box empty. So we must check the meta if empty, we mus show me " You must fill all meta box value before save post" else if all meta ...
Khalid Ahmed's user avatar
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iframe not showing on frontend when using a CMB2 field

I have a custom field manually coded using CMB2: Here is the code: $cmb_pages_customtext->add_field( array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Content', 'defaulttheme' ), ...
mdailey77's user avatar
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