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Meta boxes not showing up

Okay so I'm trying to render a meta box. This is what I have so far, trying to keep it as basic as possible: add_action('load-post.php', 'ad_templates_callback' ); add_action('load-post-new.php', '...
Jiri Krewinkel's user avatar
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Option to delete value in metabox

I'm making a metabox with a textbox that displays the value of the metakey if I user types and saves data. What I need help with is how the user can delete previous entries as well as edit them if ...
Gregory Schultz's user avatar
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Tags meta box don't show when creating a new post type

After creating new custom post type with register_post_type() function, I don't see the Tags meta box when adding a page of new post type. It seems that tags metabox should be added manually. If so, ...
revo's user avatar
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Custom post type - permalink

Is it possible to change the permalink of a custom posttype? I have a custom post type called "events", I have made a page called archive-event.php and this is reached by /event.php is it possible ...
Philip's user avatar
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Custom Meta Box If Else Statement

I have created a custom meta box for posts and I need to display said data. I have been using the below method to display the data, But I am in need of a slightly different solution. <a href="<?...
Phil Hoyt's user avatar
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Textarea type on one field custom add_meta_box?

i got close solution for this question from this link "How to add a textarea to only one of the fields of this custom metabox?", but with different code and he use new metabox, i need to see value on ...
dimsdims's user avatar
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dynamically get post attachment while editing

I want to show a meta box on the post edit screen, that contains a list of the images attached to the post. I need the meta box to work for new posts as they are being created. It should update ...
mikkelbreum's user avatar
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Saving custom metabox data with a twist

I've got more than a few metaboxes being used with a custom post type and I'm running into an issue where my data is not being saved as expected. Here is the relevant part of the code, and its within ...
The Maniac's user avatar
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WP_Query arguments: Loop through custom post type - get all entries except excluded meta_key?

Can't seem to find out what I'm doing wrong. $args = array( 'post_type' => 'wr_event', // my custom post type 'posts_per_page' => -1, // show all posts 'meta_query' => array( ...
mathiregister's user avatar
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added a meta box to post however when saving menu while debug on throws a warning

I've added several meta boxes to post and the function that suppose to save those boxes. When i save menus ( appearance -> menu). it throws a warning for each added menu or sub menu Notice: Undefined ...
Yaniv Kossas's user avatar
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How can i do custom author list?

My blog have many author. I can list all author. All Author list: <ul> <?php wp_list_authors('exclude_admin=0&optioncount=1&show_fullname=1&hide_empty=1'); ?> </ul> ...
Genxer's user avatar
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When editing a post with a custom meta box the values aren't displaying correctly

I followed this tutorial to create a custom meta box with a simple two option drop down. My code is below. The custom fields are saved when creating a post, and edit when I change the value and ...
Anagio's user avatar
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Need Advice to Working with Custom Post Meta

I'm working with some quiz script which is using javascript to init the script, the data structure which I working on is look like this var quizArray = { 'contents': [{ 'question': 'First ...
nonsensecreativity's user avatar
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loop through custom post-type with two meta_keys

I have a custom-post-type named my_project. This post-type has two meta-boxes: is_featured is_featured_position So essentially in my backend of the post-type I can set a checkbox for is_featured ...
mathiregister's user avatar
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Meta Boxes causing Header errors

I'm attempting to move some meta boxes and custom post types to a plugin file (to survive future theme updates). One issue is that now, all my wp_nonce values are returning an "undefined index" notice ...
jsumnersmith's user avatar
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why esc_url not working in smartmetabox

Have you ever tried ? It's good classes to create metabox. But I'm having problem with the validation. I tried the sanitize_callback ...
Satrya's user avatar
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How to make remove display none to this div container in post meta box?

I am adding meta box via add_meta_box hook but it is not showing in the admin panel, I double check the source code and it seems hidden because of this line: <div class="postbox-container" id="...
Emerson Maningo's user avatar
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How to add all categories into an array and extract the categories names and use it with a custom meta box

Basically I need to add custom meta boxes to pages and one of this options must be a list of categories from previous posts. I've managed to add the metaboxes and wrapped the categories in a array, ...
WagnerMatosUK's user avatar
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Remove duplicated values from meta box values

I use the code to get all the meta boxes values in a custom type <?php $args = array('post_type' => 'posttype'); $emptyvalue = ""; $optionname = "optionname"; $the_query = new WP_Query($args); ...
Ahmad Ajmi's user avatar
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Extending a CPT by Created by another plugin

I'm using WooCommerce for my store, and I need to be able to extend the Coupon post type... I need to add a selectable attribute of membership_term ... How do you extend a CPT created by another ...
dcolumbus's user avatar
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How to query custom post then display sections by meta value

This seems like an easy thing to do but I am missing something here. I have a custom post type called "recipient" and a meta check box called "yes_current" - (we help children with cancer and run ...
Chris's user avatar
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Custom metabox with App Store / Google Play links

I've got a issue when trying to setup our app portfolio. (have a look at our portfolio page) Whats going on: I created a custom post type with 'apps'. Every post I'm going to create is a project we ...
rwzdoorn's user avatar
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Metaboxes not saving data

I'm rebuilding a metabox for a plugin and it now won't save the data I enter. The HTML is almost exactly the same as before, but the save_meta function just don't work. I've read through quite a few ...
Slushman's user avatar
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Custom meta box includes

I am having some problems including files for my custom meta boxes. I have a structure like so: post-meta.php cmb teaser_meta_box load.php initiate.php display.php save.php So within my post-...
Rob Fyffe's user avatar
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Whats the point of returning a value in AUTO_SAVE [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Return $post_id when DOING_AUTOSAVE? if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) { return $post_id; } I always see this in custom made themes, but is it ...
All4Gaming's user avatar
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Use Metabox to enter Post Title

I would like to use a custom meta box to build the UI for the post title, instead of the usual field 'title' supplied on WordPress post screens. I've build the meta box, the question is now how to ...
urok93's user avatar
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Creating entries with image attachements within posts and managing them in a list

I need help with choosing a suitable meta box or other means for listing, adding and sorting entries, relevant to the containing post. For each entry it should be possible to attach a set of images, ...
ivvi's user avatar
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Change Default Custom Fields Metabox Name on cctm plugin

i found this thread Change Default Custom Fields Metabox Name and i also want to change this cctm plugin generated Custom Field header to something else,so i tried to add global $wp_meta_boxes; ...
eazy1504's user avatar
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register_taxonomy - show in admin menu, but not on post type (edit) screen

I've been trying a lot of things so far and investigated core inside out, but couldn't find a way that allows me to add the submenu item, but doesn't add the meta box for a custom taxonomy. The Menu ...
kaiser's user avatar
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How to create metabox that can be queried in the database?

So I've been working on created a catalog based off of wordpress's metabox functionality with a custom post type, but now as it comes time to start searching the database to return specific data sets, ...
Brent's user avatar
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Form submit from modal window to parent window

Trying to submit a field value from a popup modal window to my WordPress parent window meta-box. On my add post page I have a metabox with a field type 'text'. The id of my 'text' field type input ...
shawn's user avatar
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Randomly Display One Image From a 10-Image For Loop

I have a Wordpress function that loops thru 10 input fields & saves the data from those input fields. The data entered is either an absolute or relative link to an image. The loop looks like this. ...
onestepcreative's user avatar
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Post AND page parameter for WP function

Is there no post AND page parameter for WordPress functions? So would I have to create a custom post type to define post AND page? For example, add_meta_box( $id, $title, $callback, $post_type, $...
AAA's user avatar
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Remove "minor-publishing" div from Publish admin metabox

I want to remove the #minor-publishing div from the Publish admin metabox. I came across How to HIDE everything in PUBLISH metabox except Move to Trash & PUBLISH button and
Ana Ban's user avatar
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How to set/change another post author by custom fields or something else?

I need help! (sorry for my poor English, I'm from Russia) How I can to set/change another post author by custom fields or something else? For example: I want to public post, but define another post ...
Timur Fayzrakhmanov's user avatar
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Add text to metabox input text field from Thickbox

I have a custom post type with a metabox text input area that I want to have a shortcode inserted into from a thickbox when a link is clicked on from the modal window. Using the code below right now ...
Ken's user avatar
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How to display meta box data using "Meta boxes as needed"

I have been following this post exactly: and have everything working in the backend but when I try to use echo get_post_meta($post->ID, 'songs', true);...
prochevnik's user avatar
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Attaching a metabox to a single post

I've been using metaboxes for a while now, and enjoyed their flexibility. However, I am now in a situation where I need the metabox to appear only for a specific single post or page, and not for the ...
Matanya's user avatar
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Setting Event to Expire Using Custom Metabox

Working on a real estate website and setting Open House dates and times using drop downs in a Custom Meta Box. Example drop down below: <select name="sale_listing_open_house1_start_day" id="...
Charles's user avatar
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Metabox doesn't retain values

I have this code in functions.php in order to have a meta box displayed in the backend. The problem is, this was functioning normally until I've moved the website from a subdomain (dev) to the root ...
Christopher's user avatar
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Drop down menu's not saving using Custom Meta Boxs in WordPress

I am playing with custom meta boxes within WordPress and when trying to modify a drop down menu and saving the option it doesn't save. If I use the default template it saves the option fine. case '...
Dan Whiteside's user avatar
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Having trouble with custom post type / meta box

I've been working on a custom post type meta-box implementation that allows me to change the post_date to match the value in my "date" meta-box. The function works perfectly except when I try to add ...
Caleb's user avatar
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Multiplile values checkbox or select in custom meta box

I have followed the great answer by Jan Fabry in this question . How to make multicheck for post/page meta box this works great. My question though would be , what if someone WANTS a serialized ...
user avatar
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Custom Post Type + Custom Meta Query Not Showing 2012 Posts

I created a custom "events" post type for a client that basically "hides" the post once it has expired (ie. the event already happened). The events are displayed in the order of the start date rather ...
David Odin Kether's user avatar
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Get fields from metabox array

In my functions I'm registering multiple metaboxes with custom fields. A single metabox array for instance, looks like this: In functions.php $meta_boxes[] = array( 'id' => 'general_info', ...
at least three characters's user avatar
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CPT Metabox with email notification

I have a custom post type just for contacts, I want to create a metabox with the contacts birthday and have it notify the site admin when it comes up (Or a day/week/month before the date if possible).
Marco's user avatar
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How do I create a Meta box that can be repeated? (with an image section and text area)

What I need to do is have a meta box that you can select an Image (via the built in media uploader), and then add a caption to it using a text box with the TinyMCE bar - and once this is done, another ...
Kris Nielsen's user avatar
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Create a page Meta Box listing all blog users

I have a custom post type where each post can only be seen on the frontend by one specific user. I have figured out how to make an archive template where only posts with the meta _allowed_user = ...
Beto Frega's user avatar
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Taxonomy Extra Meta [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Adding Custom Field to Taxonomy Input :Panel I created a custom post type with a taxonomy associated. When I add new item for my taxonomy, I get name, slug and description. I ...
Florescu Adrian's user avatar
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Remove Title, Editor and Meta Box Support Based on Post Formats

Been looking around and can't find this. Is it possible to remove, let's say, the title area on post format: "quote"? Or the editor on post format: "image"? I noticed this page in the Codex: http:/...
jw60660's user avatar
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