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6 votes
2 answers

How to add a custom metabox to the Menu Management admin screen?

Although I am very thankful to the wordpress core team that they have finally integrated native menu management capabilities I get frustrated with some key elements which I would like to change. I ...'s user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to stop showing admin notice after close button has been clicked

First of all I do know how to add admin notice in the wordpress admin menu. And I added an admin notice like this: <?php add_action( 'admin_notices', function() { ?> <div class="...
iSaumya's user avatar
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1 answer

How to check if I'm on a custom post type archive in the admin area

I am trying to alter the query that's ran on the admin page of my custom post type. This page: /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=my_venue. Typically, I would use is_admin() && is_post_type_archive(...
joeljoeljoel's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Remove "Time to upgrade" message from dashboard

So far I've been using the following code to remove the dashboard update message ("WordPress 3.5 is available! Please update now."): remove_action('wp_version_check', 'wp_version_check'); ...
drake035's user avatar
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2 answers

Is There a WordPress Hook to Filter the Edit Posts View?

I want to be able to customize the WordPress edit posts screen to filter based on a custom field (or whatever). Unfortunately I'm not sure what filter or hook to use here, and instead of opening the ...
The How-To Geek's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Login to wp-admin "redirect_to" points to wrong URL after migration

I have a WordPress site hosted on GoDaddy, it's a Windows server, (i have the web.config set up). and .htaccess correctly configured. The site was working on , as it was a ...
Jesús Otero's user avatar
5 votes
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Uploading Images in the Link Manager

In /wordpress/wp-admin/link-add.php there is the possibility to add an image to a link, but it belongs to the category "Advanced" and is really a little too advanced for an average user, which needs ...
porton's user avatar
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3 answers

Only allow administrators and editors to access wp-admin

I am trying to restrict access to wp-admin so that only administrators and editors are allowed. At the moment I am using this function: function restrict_admin(){ //if not administrator, kill ...
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2 answers

Custom field metabox not showing in back-end

I recently updated my website after a while, and the custom fields meta box is not showing in the editor anymore. It isn't showing under "Screen Options" either. Any ideas why this could be, and how ...
Pim's user avatar
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4 answers

.htaccess in wp-admin produces a redirect loop

I've decided to take the advice of protecting the /wp-admin directory using .htaccess on a website which keeps getting hacked. Whenever I upload .htaccess to /wp-admin, my browser says /wp-admin has ...
Steve's user avatar
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5 answers

Use tag interface for hierarchical taxonomy?

Custom taxonomies are great. I registered a bunch of new taxonomies and wrote an importer to import our hierarchical taxonomy into WordPress a la XML. The problem is one taxonomy has about 1,100 terms ...
supertrue's user avatar
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3 answers

Custom Post Type - Taxonomy Dropdown Menu?

I have created a custom post type and added various meta boxes/fields to this custom post type. All is working excellent except for one element... Instead of utilizing the default interface for ...'s user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

WP_Query with checkbox meta_query

I have posted this on StackOverflow too, not sure if that's allowed - if not let me know and I'll remove one (I don't want to look like I'm spamming). Anyway.... I have a custom post type and have ...
Adam Moss's user avatar
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How to add metabox for post of specific category

I want to add Metabox for the posts of category=18 and i am using the following code but unable to do so . So please help me out-> add_action('admin_init','my_meta_init'); function my_meta_init() { ...
terminator's user avatar
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Remove custom meta boxes from custom post type

Is there a way to create a custom post type in WordPress that will only include the default meta boxes and not any other meta box that was added by other plugins? The idea is to use the custom post to ...
Bob Tolbert's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Using media-upload.php to upload mp3 via custom fields

I'm trying to use the Thickbox file upload dialogue with a custom field to allow the user to upload an mp3. What I want to do is to grab the URL of the uploaded mp3 and save it as postmeta (saving the ...
Richard Sweeney's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to add meta box to backend menu page

I need to add a meta box to the backend menu page, in Appearance->Menus (/wp-admin/nav-menus.php), to list all the available post types, both the defaults & the custom ones. It will contain a ...
Giraldi's user avatar
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5 answers

Removing fields from the Media Uploader/Gallery

I've been searching high and low for an answer. I simply want to remove the Alternate Text, Caption, Description and Link URL-fields from the uploader and gallery view. I seem that every thing else ...
Jonas Thomsen's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to Remove All Widgets from Dashboard?

I'm looking for a complete blank Dashboard. No widgets at all and preferably one column. There are snippets to remove the default WordPress widgets but haven't found anything about the ones added ...
brasofilo's user avatar
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How to make custom bulk actions work on the media/upload page?

I'm adapting a script I found online to add custom bulk actions to the screen with the list of posts. It has this line: add_action('load-edit.php', 'custom_bulk_action'); I'm trying to adapt it for ...
JohnK's user avatar
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1 answer

How to make ajax call in wordpress in right way?

I am trying to using jquery ui tabs with ajax calls to run a function. Here is the code i am using: function ajax_load_user_feed(){ if(isset($_GET['type'])) $type = $_GET['type']; if(isset($...
Sisir's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to Move the Author Metabox into the "Publish" metabox?

About a year ago I remember seeing a plugin or some code which allowed you to add an author dropdown menu to the post "publishing" metabox instead of it being on its own. I can't seem to find this ...'s user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

custom fields for attachments?

is it possible to add extra fields via the functions.php script for attachments in wordpress? Tried loads of examples but none seem to work. Worried an existing plugin might be affecting my attempts ...
v3nt's user avatar
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Include Sticky Post in Page Posts Count?

I would like 7 posts showing on my homepage. I would like to be able to manually choose those posts by stickying them. Currently, I have my posts per page set to '7' in WP Admin. However, this does ...
Travis Patron's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Only show metabox when date-value in other metabox is over?

probably a weird question. I'm using the custom MetaBox and CustomFields Class by jaredatch on Github. I have this "event-date" metabox: $meta_boxes[] = array( 'id' => 'event_date'...
mathiregister's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Add comments meta fields to comments metabox on post edit screen

I have few custom fields in comment form. How can I add these fields to comments metabox? I divide my question on 3 parts: 1) How to remove url field and add custom comment fields to comment quick ...
anton's user avatar
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3 answers

How to disable admin flyout menus?

Seriously, I hate flyout menus with a passion, and now they're popping up all over the place in the admin screen. (They are particularly heinous when you use the blue admin theme, because they add a ...
Dan Gayle's user avatar
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Adding an assisting editor box to Post page

I run a multiple author platform and to improve the moderation, I want to add a couple of assisting editors. I want to add a custom box to the Post page where the assisting editor can confirm which ...
Amanda Duke's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Remove tabs from media uploader for a CPT

I use the media uploader in a own meta-box for a custom post type called "premium". The Thickbox opens after a click of the button in the meta-box and files can be uploaded. Now I want to remove the ...
Guru 2.0's user avatar
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Block metabox - No expanding, no moving around

I would like to make metaboxes as fixed elements, removing the expand function and the drag-and-drop function. Any ideas?
Lucas's user avatar
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How to activate "custom fields" section in WP3

This is probably a stupid question, but I am setting up a finnish Wordpress installation. The "custom fields" section in the "write post" section is gone; I gather it is hidden by default. That is a ...
Pekka's user avatar
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Removing Edit Permalink/View "Custom Post Type" areas

Trying to replicate some functionality I've seen on a few other themes before, but would like to know/understand for my own uses. I've created a custom post type, called "testimonials". I believe I'...
Zach's user avatar
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Displaying Post Title on Post Edit page?

I'm trying to include the post title in a custom post type edit screen. For example if the post is called Biography, I want the edit page title to be 'Edit Biography'. I'm using the below code: ...
fxfuture's user avatar
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Only allow new subpages to be created

I'm looking for a way to only allow users to create new subpages once there are nine pages that are parents/root pages. Once there are nine parent pages when trying to create a new parent the users ...
INT's user avatar
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How to make multicheck for post/page meta box

Please help me understand how to make Multicheck type for metabox. Search for all internet and nothing. Thanks. UPDATE @Jan I have a headache from this function. I dont know whats wrong.I'm ...
Denis Belousov's user avatar
2 votes
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Populating meta box with select-list of existing posts, and assigning it to custom post types

My question is partly based on this answer: Mike's answer is really great, and the solution worked fine until I needed to include my meta box in a ...
ragdollpanda's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Unable to save custom taxonomy terms in a custom-built metabox

I've roughly followed the tutorial here on how to create "custom taxonomy input panels". I'm using a custom post type of homes and a custom taxonomy called beds (used to record the number of beds in a ...
Travis Northcutt's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I set up multi language admin ui?

I will have two admin users, one of them only speaking italian and the other only speaks english. How can I setup multi-language admin user interface?
gyurisc's user avatar
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Check if meta key value already exists

Let's say that I have few posts with meta key "videoid". Value of that meta key is different for every post (and has to be different). When adding new post, how can I check if videoid with that exact ...
SomeoneS's user avatar
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Wordpress wp-admin suddenly lost its style

NB: I originally posted this on SO, but I was recommended to try here - sorry for the duplicate! I'm really baffled about this. In the last couple of days (since I was using the site last), my ...
Andrew Newby's user avatar
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Load Balanced WP with single server admin access

I am trying to complete my load-balanced installation of WP and I have come into an issue. I would like to sync the uploads folder between the two installs but I do not know how to limit wp-admin ...
user avatar
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Adding uploaded images to editor from metabox instead of default popup uploader

I need to find plugin or create listing of all uploaded images for some post in custom metabox. And i can click to thumbnail for add image to editor in custom format. I downloaded a lot of photos to ...
Bohdan Hdal's user avatar
1 vote
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Display list of tags as drop down menu or radio buttons in a meta box?

I would like to group posts of a custom post type based on tags, but the default functionality does not do for the project I am working on. I want the user to be able to select only one tag, not ...
Paranoid Android's user avatar
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Wordpress Rest filter for custom taxonomy gets applied to the admin area

I have a custom taxonomy called collection, with advanced custom fields in it. I'm using wordpress API, so since I need to filter the API responses by ACF values, I have this filter in my theme ...
geochanto's user avatar
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Save selected item from dropdown menu in a meta box as a metadata value for a custom post type

I have been beating my brains on this one for days now and my Google-fu is failing me. I have created a custom meta box with a dropdown menu that lists all of the terms from a custom taxonomy. What I ...
Burgon's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I limit this meta box to a particular page?

I am using a version of this ( meta box script but I want to be able to limit which edit screen a meta box shows. For example, if I only ...
Dean Elliott's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Can't edit style.css in subdirectory of my theme?

I want to edit a file style.css but the theme editor shows this: /* ---------- Reset Tags ----------- */ @import url("css/reset.css"); /* ---------- Reset Tags ----------- */ @import url("css/...
LifeH2O's user avatar
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Display sortable User meta column in admin panel user's page

I have defined login levels for users registered on my site as Level 1 and Level 2. I have added a column for same in admin panel users page (users.php), I'm trying to add sorting option but on click ...
Akshat's user avatar
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Enqueue Javascript Correctly for 3.5

I am trying to create tabs for admin settings page in wp, but I think I'm doing it wrong. The example below shows how I did it but I don't know how to change this to use it correctly with no conflict ...
Jes's user avatar
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Moving Categories submenu to Media, but still opens Posts menu

I'm developing a very media-centered site with WordPress and am using the default categories and tags on uploaded media using, in part this plugin Media Categories. I am displaying a sub-menu item ...
lowe_22's user avatar
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