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Custom post type's slug gets wrong when adding a custom meta box

I'm trying for hours now to find the error moving back and forth. I have a custom post type. Everything works fine until I add my custom meta box. Now suddenly the slug gets the title of one of $post-&...
leymannx's user avatar
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"Are you sure you want to do this?" when deactivating all plugins in Wordpress 4.3.1 [closed]

Wordpress version 4.3.1, running in network mode. Logged in as super admin. In the main site's dashboard. When I try to deactivate all active plugins at once, I am taken to a white screen with the ...
Steve's user avatar
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Create A Metabox For A Custom Field

I add videos to my WordPress posts' video format by using custom fields. I was wondering if there is any way to create a meta box in post editor (like excerpt or something) for that specific custom ...
Hardeep Asrani's user avatar

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