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wp_generate_attachment_metadata is creating an empty array

I'm making a custom wp plugin for image optimization. I'm at the point that you choose the image, the script starts to optimize and put the new image in the upload folder. The problem is that i can't ...
Kryuko's user avatar
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Attach Thumbnail Generated from Video Upload as Featured Image for the Video

I have a custom post type "Videos" where multiple video files can be uploaded. I need to generate a thumbnail for each of these uploaded videos and attach these thumbnails as "featured image" for the ...
Ranadeep's user avatar
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having issue while uploading An error occured in the upload. Please try again later

First there are lots of question with this title. I have went through all but any of this not solving my issue. I am having error while uploading image on the server Things i have tried upload ...
Parikshit Parab's user avatar
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Enabling users to upload files

I have a page template, where users can upload images. I use this piece of code for opening modal for media (js; only part of a code): image_frame ={ title: 'Select Media', multiple : '...
Bojan's user avatar
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Can I change the URL of a video, or upload a video to a specific URL?

Let's say a video has been uploaded to: But the URL has to be: Is there ...
Bhaskar Sinha's user avatar
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Removing included CSS file that doesn’t exist

I tried to install a premium plugin for divi icons, But it wasn’t installed successfully. There is a CSS file added to the homepage
User1804's user avatar
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'An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later.' for users with different roles

The problem seems to be quite common, yet most of the solutions on the net are nothing to do with my issue. So I have custom post type where on the front end users can add a post and upload an image ...
Ale's user avatar
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Why is unfiltered_upload not working despite being enabled?

According to the Codex, all that's needed to enable the unfiltered_ upload capability - i.e. the ability to upload any filetypes to the Media Library rather than just the default whitelisted ones - is ...
Hashim Aziz's user avatar
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The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads/2019/07

Uploading file at media library getting an error "The uploaded file could not be moved to wp-content/uploads/2019/07.". Please help how it resolves it.
RAJ KR's user avatar
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Multiple media uploader buttons target only one input on the same page

I want to call the wordpress media uploader with a button in my theme options page. The thing is that I need two upload media buttons on the same page. I'm trying to do that using javascript by ...
Safwan Amer's user avatar
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(Woocommerce) How to add a custom page between cart and checkout with a file upload field per product item in the cart?

I am using Woocommerce. I want to add a custom page in between the cart and checkout page. In this custom page, I want to show a file upload field per product item in the cart. This has to tie into ...
Stanley Tan's user avatar
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Remove upload file types filter for admin

Does anyone know if there is a function to remove/bypass file types uploads filter (specifically for admins). I know there are plugins available but they often break or don't contain ALL the mime ...
dkangy's user avatar
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Add media library items to Menus using the Customizer (via Media Manager not URL)

You can add links to files in the media library URL via the Custom Links panel of the Customizer but for clients this requires multiple steps including cutting and pasting a URL from the media library ...
themightyant's user avatar
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Getting gutenberg (WordPress 5) to save TInymce data?

I'm using this function to add a tinymce meta box: add_action( 'add_meta_boxes', function(){ add_meta_box( 'test_tinymce', 'Test TinyMCE', function( $post ){ $field_value = get_post_meta(...
Best Dev Tutorials's user avatar
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Pass additional parameter with async upload

The following image: is showing what i want to archive. It shows the default admin upload widget in where i added a checkbox that once checked would pass an additional parameter with the async upload ...
setcookie's user avatar
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Limit number of images to upload in function

I need to edit a plugin for my website. The plugin uses function and lets user upload images from the frontend. A user should be able to upload multiple images. But, I need to set limit on ...
Nilesh G's user avatar
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WordPress 4.9.8 Trying to add filename over image in Media Browser

Need to add filenames of images in the media browser (not the media library, the browser when you are adding media to a post or page). I used this snippet to do that but it no longer works in ...
DTFK's user avatar
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Serving a custom featured image for mobile

is it a good approach to serve multiple featured images to have a proper scaling? Right now the featured image size on "Desktop" is up to 1140x250. Pretty wide and will shrink way too far on ...
Bensen's user avatar
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Convert (-) and (escape) signs to (_) when uploading files on wordpress media library automatically

For internal purpose, I'm looking for to convert (-) and (escape) sign to (_) automatically when we upload a file (photo,video,audio) on WordPress media library. Example: If i try to upload this 2 ...
Samuel's user avatar
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Remove anchor tag from meta box link

i've created my own metabx. You can select items (shortcodes) from my plugin und these shortcodes return html code. How can i remove the complete a-Tag from my own meta-box content? meta_box ...
180690's user avatar
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How to Upload CSV Data into Custom Post Type Data with Metabox programmatically

I have a Custom Post Type called movies which had only title enabled from post support and 3 custom field of metabax as box office, year, and director like now I have like 150 rows CSV formatted ...
Mona Coder's user avatar
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Custom Post Type Video - Online/Offline

I have created a custom post type which will store posts that contain videos, i have made use of the ACF wysiwyg field to display the video content and i have a further true/false field which will ...
zen_1991's user avatar
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Why is the temporary upload always 4.1K

My plugin always creates uploads of 4.1KB but these movies should be actually much larger. First I'm registering them as a shutdown function register_shutdown_function(array($this, '...
Michael Heuberger's user avatar
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Can't upload image using media_sideload_image

Have just concern about the media_sideload_image function, its does support https links image? and the wp_upload_dir() support https too? I've tried using media_sideload_image to upload image with ...
Rojan's user avatar
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Grouping metadatas into one

I want to have some custom metadatas for my custom post type. I know how to add the metadatas one by one, but I need to some of them together, considered as a single metadata. For example lets assume ...
Amirition's user avatar
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When sale price is 0.00 show only regular price

I run my woocomerce product updates via excel sheet uploads with over 10,000 products. However, with the sale price/promo price column, I have prices of 0.00, 0 and some blank. I want a situation ...
Kwame Vaughan's user avatar
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wrong media url in wordpress

Having the weirdest issue in a clean Wordpress installation. The media urls are being written with "hhttp" instead of "http". so, for example: would ...
GeneralCan's user avatar
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Convert uploaded GIF to non animated image automatically

Is there a way to convert automatically uploaded GIF to JPEG or PNG (non animated) and keep the original?
Ahmed Bouhemhem's user avatar
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wordpress media upload given An error occurred in the upload. Please try again later

i am using wordpress 4.8.3 . my website was working fine but when i moved it to another server , i saw some images of my posts are missing and when i am trying to reupload these images i faced another ...
Mohd Hasan's user avatar
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Anon function and add_meta_box

I am building a WordPress management plugin (so far going really well) however I am having a slight issue below is what I am trying to acheive and the problem. I am building a Meta manager and for ...
Trixxy's user avatar
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Make Wordpress compress full size image?

Regardless of size uploaded, I need Wordpress to compress the original full size image to 30% upon upload. Full size is the only image I use. I have already disabled all thumbnail creation upon ...
41358's user avatar
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Manipulate CSV data during upload, is it possible?

I am generating membership invoices from client supplied membership list CSV. I created a custom post type, and I'm using wpallimport to upload the CSV data into that custom post type. Each row in the ...
AOS Studios's user avatar
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Prevent Delete Attachment by URL or When Submit

This code is working, which prevent being deleted by specific title: add_action( 'delete_attachment', 'check_relations' ); function check_relations( $post_id ){ if(get_the_title( $post_id ...
Mzr's user avatar
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Move files from flat upload directory to organised by year / month

I'm upgrading a site where there are 57,426 files in the /upload directory. I need to sort them as /upload/year/month/filename.ext because this flat non-hierarchical dir is a mess. There's no image ...
5ulo's user avatar
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Is it possible to split Default WP Media directory to multiple Folder/Subdomain?

Is it possible to split Default WP Media directory to multiple Folder/Subdomain? Coz, WP auto-generated images make sure responsive. So, I want to split media directory to separate fo Example: ...
Ayesha Akter's user avatar
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After moving from complete AWS setup to a standalone Wordpress Server, Media/Image Files are Broken

Linked images on old article is pointing to: /wp-content/uploads/YEAR/MONTH/filename.jpg and isn't found. Because the correct URL/Folder structure I got is: /wp-content/uploads/YEAR/MONTH/...
Nadz Dan's user avatar
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Copying media from multisite subsites to main website

I have a multisite install -- set for using subdomains and mapped domains -- with websites from several clients on it and I would like to create a copy of each and any uploaded media file of my ...
Celso Bessa's user avatar
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Using WordPress’s add_cap method to Allow Contributors to Upload Media is not Working

I would like to allow contributors to upload media by using the following code added to functions.php. But the Add Media Button still doesn't show up. // Allow Contributors to Add Media if ( ...
dekkapo khonjon's user avatar
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Check if uploaded file has a specific filename

I want to check the uploaded file (from media library) for a specific filename during uploading time and move it in a specific directory, outside of wp-content uploads directory, replacing the old ...
jeejee's user avatar
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How do I fix "Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons"

When I try to upload any PNG file, I get the following error message: I have no plugin or anything installed, that could cause this. I even added the following line in order to fix this: define('...
TheKidsWantDjent's user avatar
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Submit page limited in time to upload image

I’m not sure where to ask this and where to start to search for this kind of information. Excuses in advance if this is not the right place. I’m now the admin of a site done with Wordpress for and ...
Alex Bibiano's user avatar
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Input value from metabox is not found in $_POST after post save

What I want to do is grab the input from a metabox — a number to be exact — in the post editor area and save it to a custom table I have previously created. Here it is my code for declaring the ...
haunted85's user avatar
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upload_files cap to not loggen in users - add_cap to not logged in users

When not logged in users upload files to the media endpoint, the return message is: "Sorry, you are not allowed to create posts as this user." I would like to allow not logged in users to be able to ...
BenB's user avatar
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Meta value does not save for scheduled posts

I created a metabox into my posts, it's a checkbox that I checked. Here's the code for saving the data : add_action('save_post','save_metaboxes'); function save_metaboxes($post_ID){ if (...
Corentin Branquet's user avatar
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How to remove plugin metaboxes from edit.php

I want to remove some metaboxes, that was added to page edit.php by thridparty plugins. I insert this code into functions.php: function vpm_remove_meta_box() { remove_meta_box( 'ortext-...
Сергей Матийчук's user avatar
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File Upload Permissions

Introduction: I want that a logged-in user can upload a file. Then he should be able to download that file whenever he wants to. I have finished the uploading by using wp_upload_bits - so the files ...
QuickSort's user avatar
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Upload multiple images to a Woocomerce product

I am trying to upload various images from an URL to a given woocomerce product. The issue I am facing with my code is that, although I see that the images are being uploaded to the server when I go to ...
JordanBel's user avatar
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Wordpress Media Uploader in page template (On Front-end)

I've tried to use Media Uploader in a page template, so registered users can upload some images, but I'm not sure is it possible. I know I need to include some scripts and I've called wp_enqueue_media(...
Enes Plojovic's user avatar
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How can I make my metabox appear?

I'm fairly new to plugin development but have experience in coding. I've looked into several tutorials and managed to get my post type as slideshows, but I wanted to add a metabox to put an URL in. ...
manoukmade's user avatar
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Ho to add "Create Slider" option to default "Add Media" popup?

What are the steps to create a custom "Create Slider" option in the default "Add Media" popup (the one used to insert images and gallery into editor)? The "Create Gallery" item should be below "Create ...
Oleg's user avatar
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