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How can I keep a WordPress dropdown menu open when navigating to a child page?

I'm using WordPress with the Astra theme (free version), along with Elementor Header & Footer Builder (free version) and the WP Mobile Menu (free version). I've set up a dropdown menu, but it ...
Maithilee's user avatar
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How to create left and right menu with logo center in a custom theme?

I recently developed a new custom theme in wordpress. I want the following menu structure: Left menu LOGO Right menu For example: Home About LOGO HERE Blog Contact I created the following code: <...
Aris's user avatar
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Adding a drop-down (select tag) option under Menu Settings in WordPress Admin

I looked (surfed) around a lot to get idea of how can I add custom field/drop-down under "Menu Settings" in WordPress Admin. I want a select tag with options from which I can get value based on the ...
divy3993's user avatar
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WordPress menu walker - Get parent item text inside end_lvl function

I have a parent menu item which is taxonomy name. I want to add in a mega menu with a featured post from the menu taxonomy in the left of the sub menu. This code works and shows displays the html ...
BenB's user avatar
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HTML TO WP Theme : Submenu goes down wp_nav_menu

I have to convert a html to wp but there is an issue sub menu is not working properly.I am newbie but I have done something for that still not success. header.php Code <nav class="navbar ...
Vasim Shaikh's user avatar
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Child Theme header1.php file not overwriting parent theme's header1.php file

I am trying to add a custom header navigation to a WordPress site using a child theme (I'm using the Alphabet theme). I determined that I am using the header1.php file according to the styling inside ...
gallifrey1212's user avatar
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Custom Navigation build using wp_nav_menu and walker

What I have Right now I have an old template in plain HTML. In there I use a custom Navigation menu built like this: <div class="collapse navbar-collapse main-menu main-menu-1" id="main-menu"> ...
ismaelw's user avatar
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Extend walker - navigation, adding data attribute to a tag

I would a data attribute to the a tag in the menu, like have <a href="#example" data-attribute="attribute">CLICK</a> I know that I have to extend the Walker BUT I tried in several times ...
dborghez's user avatar
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How to make theme elements customizable in wordpress?

In Wordpress there's a menu option called 'Appeareances'. I want to add (e.g.) a submenu 'header' there and then be able to customize the header from within wordpress (administration page). From what ...
Gandora's user avatar
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2 answers

Remove/Hide a Widget on a Custom Template

i want to make a custom template using Genesis.. I added a custom Menu just by adding a widget on WIDGETS section and placed it on the top right side of the page. But i want it to be removed in a ...
Jeremi Liwanag's user avatar
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which is the best way to customize nav-menu-template.php?

I have modified the function start_el in nav-menu-template.php substituting $item->ID with $item->title so that the html li elements in menu have a more readable class names. In detail, I have ...
Toc's user avatar
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Best practices: Custom theme sidebar menu - hardcode or widget?

Is it best to hardcode a sidebar menu using functions.php or sidebar.php OR use the custom menu widget? Are there times when each is appropriate?
csi's user avatar
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Any official way to create an admin theme?

I was wondering whether there's a common way of customising the aspect of the admin panel. I know you can play with the css and js files but what I was looking for is some kind of "admin theme" like ...
ozke's user avatar
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wp_nav_menu() custom container and container_id

So today I started work on my first Wordpress theme and so far it's been a lot of fun. However, I have had difficulty in getting wp_nav_menu() to do what I want. Here's what I want: <nav id="...
Tom Savage's user avatar
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Show a WP 3.0 Custom Menu in an HTML Select with Auto-Navigation?

As part of a theme for a client, I want to be able to show a custom menu (defined via the admin) in a select box that automatically changes pages after changing the selection. Is there a plugin (or a ...
Keith S.'s user avatar
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