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How can i get the name parameter defined in get_header?

For example, on my blog pages i use get_header('blog');, but i don't want to create a new header template called header-blog.php, because i just want to make a small adjustments. Is it possible to ...
passatgt's user avatar
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Create mobile navigation header with settings integration

I'm a seasoned programmer but a completely inexperienced WordPress developer. I'm trying to figure out how to create a header that only shows for mobile devices, and how to modify properties of that ...
Vap0r's user avatar
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adding meta data using plugin to top of head

It seems if you use the wp_head hook as an action to put your custom metadata into the head tags of your page, it is dependent on where the theme you are using calls the wp_head. In my case, it is at ...
Derek W Beck's user avatar