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2 answers

Displaying an Uploaded Image as a Custom Avatar in Wordpress

Am creating a WordPress site whereby am enabling users to upload their own custom profile images from a custom form. Once they upload am storing the image URL in a database table and the image is then ...
Pweb's user avatar
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User avatar-ACF fields

I'm running wp multisite and using ACF custom field (user edit) for my local avatar, in my functions.php i added : add_action('get_avatar', 'tsm_acf_profile_avatar', 10, 3); function ...
MR.Don't know's user avatar
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Adding custom avatar field to comments

I want to store a users Twitter Profile Image when I found out that they've tweeted the link of a post (by using the Twitter API), but I'm stuck with the following issue: How do I store the Profile ...
Andre's user avatar
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Custom avatars in wordpress comments?

I'm looking for a way to let people connect with facebook when posting comments, and to use their facebook avatars as the avatar for the comments. How can this be done? Do I need to create a seperate ...
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