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Questions tagged [author]

'Author' in the WP context can refer to two different things: the person who has written a certain post/page or the role a user has.

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1 answer

Showing only posts from the current user who is logged in?

I'm using the following code to get ONLY posts with the post_type question and the current user who is logged in. But if no use is logged in all the posts are displayed anyways. Any suggestions? ...
wyc's user avatar
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Including post_type = 'wiki' in author archives

For a user with wiki-update permission only, I want to list their wiki articles in the author archive page. Currently, it comes back with "NOT FOUND Apologies, but ...". I am using the Twenty-ten ...
Stevarino's user avatar
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3 answers

Output author and description if description is not empty

Is it possible to only display the author's name and description (aka bio) if the description contains text? This code doesn't work (it doesn't return the name or description) but hopefully it can ...
Ryan's user avatar
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3 answers

What is wrong with this code?

function themeperauthor_need_switch() { global $post; if ( $get_post_type == 'weblogs' ) { return get_the_author_meta('themeperauthor', $user->ID); } return ""; } It doesn't return ...
Archie Webmaker's user avatar
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Different profile page by role

I'm trying to set it so that when you view somebody's profile page you see a different template based on their role. So, everybody gets a regular "profile" page but if your also a author you also get ...
EddyR's user avatar
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1 answer

Notify Author of the post if admin deletes his post and perform some function

i am working on a theme in which points are added in user meta when he does a post... it works fine but the problem is when a post is deleted by the admin then the point should be reduced and the ...
Harjeet Singh's user avatar
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1 answer

Author custom fields post meta, the code?

If I wanted to get a custom field of the current user I would use something like this. <?php echo get_user_meta($user_info->ID,'address_line_2',true);?> This time however I want the author so ...
Robin I Knight's user avatar
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3 answers

List authors of site with link and gravatar

I'm trying to do something I assumed would be easy. I assumed wrong. What I want to do is list all the authors of a site on the sidebar, with a link to their respective author page, number of posts ...
Norcross's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

Author page: Comments and Ratings?

I have a mult-author site where the author page gets high traffic. People want to know more about them. I have modified the author page to show more info, some custom fields, etc. but what I'd ...
RodeoRamsey's user avatar
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1 answer

Show author post count in sidebar - Variable

I need to display something of a mini author statistic in my sidebar on the single posts page. I'm using the PHP code widget, to allow me to insert PHP code into a widget. What I've done is run a loop ...
Lynne's user avatar
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2 answers

Showing Post Counts of One's (Author) Own in the admin post list

How can I show user's post counts of one's (Author) own in the admin post list (edit.php) instead of all post count of the system? like published (10), Draft (5) ... of his own or logedin user. ...
mha's user avatar
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Get attachment next and previous by author only

I'm trying to get the next and previous attachment by the user it's currently displaying, this is what I have and it works great except it gets all of the attachments instead of just the ones from a ...
Jeremy Love's user avatar
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Is it possible to set/override default the_author_posts_link to login name?

the_author_posts_link is so handy. But is there now way in WordPress to set/edit the default display name for all new authors? (I know you can manually edit per author). I'd like it to be user_login, ...
flippWP's user avatar
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Can I set a default dashboard layout for all users?

I'm creating a multi-author blog, and have recently added the "Dashboard Notepads" plugin. This allows me to add 1 to 3 dashboard widgets which I can write custom notes in, like news or notices. Is ...
Relequestual's user avatar
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3 answers

More posts from the current author

On a multi author WordPress blog I need to show a list with more posts from the current author. The list is inside the Loop, so I can use <?php the_author_meta('first_name'); ?> <?php ...
Dimitar's user avatar
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2 answers

How to display an archive with multiple authors

I have this coding challenge that's beating my head I built a site for an academic magazine, where some of the articles are written by two or more authors. This was easily acheived using either Co-...
Sergio Majluf's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

Change the Author Slug from Username to Nickname

Hi to the community, is it possible to change the default username slug to nickname if is available? By default the url is something like: http://domain.tld/author/(admin) , is it possible to ...
Philip's user avatar
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2 answers

How to control template resolution if both Author and Category filter in place?

The following url resolves to the category template: http://localhost/author/myusername/?category_name=somecategory I have a category-somecategory.php template and just a generic author.php template. ...
David Ly's user avatar
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1 answer

the_author() returns empty string

I have created a page template for the front page of a site I am building using WordPress. I am displaying the 3 latest posts on this page and all works fine except for the display of the author of ...
Simon Fox's user avatar
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1 answer

Author url rewrite

The default author permalink is:{username} How can I do something like this ?{username}/songs{username}/books http://...
Robert's user avatar
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3 answers

Limit author image size

Is there a way to limit the size (dimensions) of the image a user can upload to their profile? It looks like Wordpress does do some kind of limiting as uploading a 1024x768 image the result gets ...
David Ly's user avatar
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2 answers

Display posts separated by Category in Author's page

I created an author's page using: <?php if(isset($_GET['author_name'])) : $curauth = get_userdatabylogin($author_name); else : $curauth = get_userdata(intval($author)); endif; ?> ...
Sergio Majluf's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to set up sub-categories for author pages?

I am setting up Wordpress for a school. They want to enable teachers to have their own section of the site where they can create posts in different categories (assignments, events, etc). I know that ...
jessegavin's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Override default url for author pages?

So the default url to display a list of posts by a particular author looks like this:{username} I am wondering how to change the 'author' in that url to something else? I ...
jessegavin's user avatar
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