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Custom gallery displayin and sorting error

I am making frontand gallery uploader. Here is my example code: <?php //start of "for" loop $attach_id = media_handle_upload($key, $post_id); $attach_ids[] = $attach_id; ...
wpdev's user avatar
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problem when uploading file by metaboxes

I want to upload pdf files via posts using metaboxes. I have this code: if ( is_admin() ) { add_action( 'load-post.php', 'call_MetaBoxClass' ); add_action( 'load-post-new.php', '...
saeid ezzati's user avatar
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add instructions to upload pages and / or forms

I want to put file prep instruction on the media upload forms/pages/tabs. There are a lot of people using the admin. There is a CMS guide but it is rarely read causing issues with page load slow ...
v3nt's user avatar
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Upload Button in meta box not opening library

First, thank you for your help. I have created a custom template, added two metaboxes in Pages using a 'Page_Fiche_Metier.php' template. One meta box is to upload an image. But the Upload Button is ...
Sonia's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add meta box for image upload using WordPress media uploader?

I don't want this thickbox popup when uploading the image file via metabox. I want to add WordPress media upload popup box while uploading the media with the use of metabox. Any ideas?
Ravi's user avatar
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wp is not defined error using to create a custom image uploader

I'm trying to create a custom media uploader in a custom meta box on a custom post type. That's a lot of custom. I have a javascript file enqueued which runs the class when the Add Image ...
Christy's user avatar
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window.send_to_editor and jQuery .attr() conflicts with multiple custom upload image meta boxes

I have added two custom meta boxes to a custom post type. One is to upload an image to be stored in a custom field value for a "headshot" and the other is to upload an image to be stored in a custom ...
Edmund Heaphy's user avatar
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2 answers

Custom Upload Adds Ghost File

I've tried this on a fresh install on the twentyfifteen theme. I'm adding a metabox to pages which allows uploads - Whenever I upload a file on a new Page it uploads the file but also adds another ...
Howdy_McGee's user avatar
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Generating image sizes when uploading through

Finding documentation on is really tough, so bear with me. I'm creating a metabox to attach images to a custom post type. I'm able to get a media frame to open, have it accept uploads, and ...
Joseph North's user avatar
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problem with updating metabox of upload image

I created a custom post type and metabox for uploading another image. the problem is when i add the image its shown correctly in its place in backend and when i update its also the same i had the ...
Carl Willis's user avatar
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Saving an upload media meta box field

I'm using the answer for this previous question (link below) to generate a custom meta box with media upload functionality: Add "upload media" button in meta box field I've managed to get ...
rikardo85's user avatar
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2 answers

WPAlchemy MediaAccess inserting media link in WP Editor instead of custom field in metabox [closed]

I'm currently working with WPAlchemy class to create a metabox in a custom post type (Events from EventEspresso plugin more precisely). This metabox should be able to call the media uploader and ...
Renato Gomes's user avatar
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Custom Meta Boxes and Fields for WordPress: Change directory upload based on user-edit page

I have already published this on StackOverflow, but I realised it would be better to post it here instead. I am using the CMB script (Custom Meta Boxes and Fields for WordPress) for uploading files ...
Emanuele Feliziani's user avatar
4 votes
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Add metabox with media uploader in a custom post type [duplicate]

I need to create a "media uploader metabox" and add it to my custom post type. I've already create normal metaboxes, the function to add to the custom post type and the function to save them, I only ...
dborghez's user avatar
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Upload button in metabox not working

The upload button is not working when put inside javascript, but it works when I put it outside the javascript. /* -----------------------upload button------------------ */ function ...
Azad Rana's user avatar
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Adding upload button in metabox

I want to add upload image button for the images and retrieve url. Can someone pls help me, i have been trying this for quite a few days. I'm using code from this thread Create more Meta Boxes as ...
Azad Rana's user avatar
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Insert media button will always add into the same tinyMCE editor

I have an issue with the insert-media button. I have 2 instances of tinyMCE with both Add Media button. When I add a media in one of the two tinyMCE, all my media will go in this after, whatever which ...
user36316's user avatar
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2 answers

Wordpress 3.5 Media Uploader - Only allow 1 upload and certain file types

I am trying to include the new WP Media Uploader in a Custom Meta Box. I found this tutorial. However, I am looking for a way to limit the uploader to only accept certain types of files like '...
tiaanswart's user avatar
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Customize Wordpress Media Upload and New Media Manager Menu in add post Metabox

I am using Wordpress Media Upload (< 3.5) and Media Manager (>=3.5) in metabox as an upload field, and need to customize the menu so that they only have upload and media library functionality ...
ayublin's user avatar
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Invalid file type when using wp_upload_bits to upload PDF to a custom post type

I'm trying to upload a PDF file for a custom post type called Products using wp_upload_bits. I'm only doing this in my wp-admin. I don't want these files added to the media library, I just want to ...
ItsPronounced's user avatar
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Checking if $_FILE isset for an array of file upload metaboxes

I have been struggling with this for almost 2 days with no avail. I have a custom post type of PRODUCTS that has a group of metaboxes for uploading PDF files in the wp-admin. I've created the ...
ItsPronounced's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

Add "upload media" button in meta box field

I have a custom post which has a meta tag that needs to be using a file upload (for video files). I am wondering, what is the correct way of adding an "Upload" button that points to the WordPress ...
SpyrosP's user avatar
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Metabox with multiple fields added by user and upload box

I'm trying to build system, where user can add as many fields as he needs to the post. I'm using code from this thread. Everythings works fine, except I can't get my upload working. Here's code I've ...
smogg's user avatar
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3 answers

Setting multiple image urls using Wordpress' Media Uploader

I have set up a meta box to hold additional information that my client can put in, and it will appear in a different section of the page. The page shows up at
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How to use media upload on metabox post page without breaking TinyMCE?

I'm using the following code for upload in multiple mextaboxes in a post or page admin section. Works for metaboxes but breaks the TinyMCE insert image. I want to know please how I can achieve this ...
DeryckOE's user avatar
3 votes
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Remove tabs from media uploader for a CPT

I use the media uploader in a own meta-box for a custom post type called "premium". The Thickbox opens after a click of the button in the meta-box and files can be uploaded. Now I want to remove the ...
Guru 2.0's user avatar
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Metabox image upload value

I am using meta boxes from WP tuts this tutorial everything works fine but I don't know ho to call value from image ...
Itachi's user avatar
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Upload multiple images in a custom metabox

I am new to theme development. I am trying to create a custom metabox that has the ability to upload a image. I am doing this on a page not a post. I want to output the images (multiple) onto the page ...
Anders Kitson's user avatar
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How to Create an Image Upload Box for Custom Posts?

Is it possible to have an image upload box in a Custom Post Type? I would like the user to be able to upload specific images just for the CPT.
redconservatory's user avatar
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Adding URL of PDF from Thickbox in a Meta Box

I have created some meta boxes of pages on the theme i'm working on. The idea is to have a input field, then a button to upload files. The meta box is working properly. When I click on the button, ...
Simon's user avatar
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Adding uploaded images to editor from metabox instead of default popup uploader

I need to find plugin or create listing of all uploaded images for some post in custom metabox. And i can click to thumbnail for add image to editor in custom format. I downloaded a lot of photos to ...
Bohdan Hdal's user avatar
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Create a custom post type for a photo post

I am looking for a way to create a Photo Post type. Basically a post that is a title and a single image. Where I am getting stuck is the actual attaching an image to a post. I would like to have an ...
Brandon's user avatar
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6 answers

Add a Meta Box for uploading a SECOND Featured Image?

I'd like to add a meta box to my posts and page editor that will allow me to upload an image and use it as sort of a SECOND featured image. The idea is that my client will be able to upload an image ...
jkupczak's user avatar
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Metabox image upload and custom field

Is it possible to a) upload image in meta box (not using default WP image uploader) and then b) get the path to uploaded this way image in a custom field?
Zixion's user avatar
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I need a Simple image uploader with a simple screen. WP default has too many options.

Hi guys I'm looking for a metabox type plugin that can upload ONE image into the post, that works with custom post types. I don't want to use the default WP uploader because it has too many options, ...
llary's user avatar
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wp_handle_upload error "Specified file failed upload test" but still creates attachment?

Having a bit of trouble with an image upload custom meta box. What happens is the uploaded image is created as an attachment but the wp_handle_upload seems to kick back the error "Specified file ...
daveaspinall's user avatar
4 votes
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Using media-upload.php to upload mp3 via custom fields

I'm trying to use the Thickbox file upload dialogue with a custom field to allow the user to upload an mp3. What I want to do is to grab the URL of the uploaded mp3 and save it as postmeta (saving the ...
Richard Sweeney's user avatar
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Upload attachment from external site

For example, we have some image on the external site: How do I upload this image to my wordpress as an image attachment by php? Image should be copied to my uploads folder,...
ilovewordpress's user avatar
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I'm using add_meta_box() but want to include TinyMCE editor *and* Media Uploads for each box

I'm using a very lightweight plugin called WPAlchemy that lets me rapidly create meta-boxes for posts and pages. I've ben able to convert <textarea>'s into rich, TinyMCE's editors just fine. ...
Mike B.'s user avatar
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Duplicate Custom Header Functionality into the post edit screen

Within wordpress 3.0 you have the ability to create a custom header image with a very slick built in cropping tool. I found out that the code being utilized for this is located within wp-admin/custom-...'s user avatar
4 votes
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Attach Files Metabox

Does anyone happen to know how to create a simple "attach/browse" button that can be placed into a metabox which upon clicking it would open a lightbox where the user would be able to view all the ...'s user avatar