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Can't retrieve custom post type taxonomy term to custom post type editor

I have 2 main problems: I can't seem to add editor_name custom field to default/native WordPress list of request URL query parameters. This is the request WordPress is using: http://localhost/wp-...
neke90's user avatar
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Only display top level taxonomy on the edit post page with option to expand sub-categories

We have a custom taxonomy that is hierarchical. It has so many sub-categories that to scroll through them in the edit post page is proving problematic for editors. Is there a way to initially show ...
Ralpharama's user avatar
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Modify Term List in Custom Taxonomy Meta Box

For the life of me, I can't find the hook for altering the list of terms in a custom taxonomy metabox. On the post-edit screen, instead of list of custom taxonomy terms like this... [ ] Bob Dylan [ ] ...
Michael Rexman's user avatar
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Taxonomy custom check box meta field not getting saved

I am trying to add a simple checkbox to the category page but it not getting saved for some reason. Please help to fix the code below. Basically, I registered a meta then created check box. CheckBox ...
GeekyOwl's user avatar
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Why are taxonomy terms not saving when using custom meta boxes with radio button taxonomy selectors?

I'm currently working on a website that has a custom post type ("schedules") that requires custom hierarchal taxonomies (named "location" and "servicetype" in this case) to be displayed as radio ...
Kevin's user avatar
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Custom Meta Boxes - Nonce Issue - Move to trash issue

Recently after updating Wordpress from 4.9.2 to 5.2, I have had to change a good bit of code to get my custom post type listings(or posts) to function and save data correctly. Specifically, with the ...
Preston's user avatar
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PHP Warning with Custom Fields

For the love of God can anyone help me? My theme I had built a year or so ago, I added custom meta boxes/fields. I have created numerous custom taxonomies. But I didn't want the custom taxonomies to ...
Preston's user avatar
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Custom taxonomy with custom post type archive page

I created a sustom taxonomy and a custom post type via Metabox plugin. I am able to create custom post type posts and assign them to the custom taxonomies. But when I am trying to list them on an ...
Luke's user avatar
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Add other all taxonomies as meta boxes to custom post type

I have a custom post type which comes with a category taxonomy. This taxonomy shows as a meta box at the side. Pretty basic so far. Now I want to add additional meta boxes below the content on the "...
xxtesaxx's user avatar
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Remove Custom metabox from particular page template is used

I have created custom metafields like the following and it was working fine. I want to show the metafield only when an particular page template is used. but it was not working. class ...
J. Shabu's user avatar
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3 votes
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Find callback function for custom taxonomy metabox

I'm looking for a way to move my custom taxonomy metabox (on the right side) to the post area (the middle). I'm aware you can simply drag and drop it, but I want it in the post area by default for new ...
stacked-cabbages's user avatar
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transfer two existing taxonomy terms into one custom metabox

Using this code I am able to add existing Terms from one taxonomy moviestax to my own created Metabox. function my_meta_box(){ add_meta_box( 'mymtx_div', 'This my own Meta box Only :-)', '...
Mona Coder's user avatar
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set a custom post type to a taxonomy term programmatically in metabox

I have a Custom Post Type called Movies and it has a Custom Taxonomy called Genres. I also have 3 Terms under Genres called ['Action','Comedy','Horror'] Can you please let me know how I can Get and ...
Suffii's user avatar
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Metabox not show in categories custom post type cmb2

it is possible to add a field in the categories (tags) in taxonomy? this is my code in functions.php function post_types(){ register_post_type('products',array( 'labels' =&...
Max's user avatar
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Remove taxonomy widget from "PAGE" post

For internal purpose I created taxonomy named "CLIENT" for the "PAGES" post . It's generated a widget in pages (picture below). I use ACF to manages my client categories (I create a specific field) ...
Samuel's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I conditionally change the title of a taxonomy meta box?

I'm using the Toolset Types plugin to create various custom posts and custom taxonomies. I have 2 custom post types (Schools, and Productions) that share a common taxonomy (School Subjects). However,...
gillespieza's user avatar
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Removing numerous Meta boxes from numerous CPTs

Hi I am building multiple sites for my work. All sites will take advantage of CPTs and Custom Taxonomies. Registered taxonomies will be handled using the Advanced Custom Fields plugin. Therefore, I ...
Ollie's user avatar
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Reusable metabox backend and frontend

I am trying to create a more transferrable/automated custom post type that would act as a error ticketing system (I know there are many out there, but I want one that is completely customised). The ...
markb's user avatar
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3 answers

Custom taxonomy hide meta box but show in menu

If set show_ui false, this hide the taxonomy meta box and admin menu link both, how to hide only meta box? $args = array( 'hierarchical' => true, 'labels' => $labels, ...
Sevi's user avatar
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Add description to custom taxonomy admin metabox

I've created a custom taxonomy: add_action( 'init', 'create_collection_taxonomies', 0 ); function create_collection_taxonomies() { $labels = array( 'name' => _x( '...
Yazmin's user avatar
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Get custom term meta problem on single post type

I'm trying to display a custom field value added to custom taxonomy on single custom post type. I have articles post type with custom taxonomy called issue. I used the code from Tax-Meta-Class to add ...
nisr's user avatar
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Render P2P metabox per taxonomy term

I would like to display a Posts to Posts connection registration metabox for each term in a custom taxonomy. The post connection candidates will be split across the metaboxes depending on their term. ...
Chris Montgomery's user avatar
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How to make custom taxonomy into drop down select in a custom metabox

I have a custom post type that I am creating custom meta boxes for on the "Add New Post" screen. I would like to remove the default meta boxes for a given custom taxonomy and place it in a drop down ...
730wavy's user avatar
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Custom Taxonomy to dropdown box on adminside wordpress

Can I create a country- location hierarchy using custom taxonomy on admin side. When selecting a country from select box , an another box should see the list of location comes under that country. And ...
Aparna Mathew's user avatar
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Custom meta-box for all custom post types

I want to create a custom meta-box for all custom post types: post, page, and every custom post type (portfolio, testimonials, FAQs, quotes, reviews...). But without writing them into the array: '...
Unix's user avatar
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2 answers

Looking for suggestions on creating simple database (Help!!)

I'm working on creating a basic database for a theatre and really need some suggestions as the best way to approach this. Each production from this theatre will have its own page. The page should ...
Matthew's user avatar
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2 answers

How to show/hide a meta box using categories, with a different post type

The following code hides a meta box when certain categories are selected using jquery, in post editor. It works with post as the custom post type. I need it to work with a custom post type called ...
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Does a codex exist for creating meta boxes in taxonomy

I am looking for WordPress official documentation to create meta boxes in a taxonomy. There are many tutorials, but each of them is completely different. I don't want to use any plugins. I need the ...
user2506619's user avatar
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Add different meta box based on taxonomy

i created a plugin with a custom post type. I added a new custom taxonomy also under that post type . How can i add the meta boxes based on different taxonomy. if( is_object_in_term('', 'name of ...
zod's user avatar
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How can I edit the 'Most Used' tab in the categories meta-box to show another custom taxonomy?

The 'Most Used' tab in the categories meta-box is the one that can be seen in the Edit Post section. I want to replace the Most Used tab, with a tab that lists another Custom Taxonomy, or edit the ...
danny2104's user avatar
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Attaching meta box to specific category/taxonomy in custom post type

I have this case here and can't figure out how to do it. I have a custom post type with taxonomies and a meta boxes to that specific post type. The idea is some metaboxes to appear only when category/...
worldwildwebdev's user avatar
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Displaying Metabox value (custom post type taxonomy)

I have been stuck on this for days, reading articles and articles and nothing works. I am trying to display the value of my metabox on a template page. I successfully added the metabox, and I see ...
Misty's user avatar
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WP_List_Table Inside Metabox Not Working on Submit

I'm trying to display a WP_List_table inside a metabox. The metabox is for a custom taxonomy called service which is registered to a custom post type called office. The table columns contain input ...
Ben's user avatar
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Can I prevent the user from adding more than two levels deep of terms inside of a taxonomy metabox?

I'm in the process of creating a leveled tutorial structure in WordPress and want to build it so that it sets up the front-end with no code needed from the user. So far, I have a custom post type ...
RachieVee's user avatar
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Automatically assign taxonomy term if custom meta value exists

I currently have a custom meta field for adding a video url to the post. I'd like for the existing taxonomy term "video" to be automatically assigned to the post upon saving if the meta field has any ...
rspny's user avatar
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wp_dropdown_categories in custom post type with custom taxonomy

I have a custom post type with its own taxonomy, basically 'show venues' is the post type and venue-regions is the taxonomy. Seeing how a venue cant exsist in mutiple regions, I've removed the ...
orionrush's user avatar
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Custom Taxonomy as checkbox or dropdown

I have registered a custom tax to my CPT. On the edit screen the tax meta box appears with an autocomplete field. Is it possible to display it as checkboxes or dropdown instead?
Julian F. Weinert's user avatar
9 votes
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Add default WordPress tag meta box to User Profile

I've set up my user profiles to allow custom taxonomies following this tutorial. Ideally, I'd like to use the default Tag meta box from the Post screen, so users can easily add new terms and find ...
epschmidt's user avatar
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5 answers

Remove Custom Taxonomy Metabox from Custom Post Type Screen

I have two hierarchical custom taxonomies, each on a corresponding custom post type. I would like to remove the metabox for each on the post type's edit screen. I have read remove custom taxonomy ...
mrwweb's user avatar
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How to Put Custom Taxanomy Meta Box in Main Column

WordPress added the Custom Taxonomy Meta box at sidebar, Is there any way which we can relocate it in the main column , Under Edit box? Thansk
Behseini's user avatar
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Separate tags with semicolon

Does anyone know if there is a way to change the callback function for a tag-like custom taxonomy so that it breaks terms after a semicolon instead of a comma? I realize I can rewrite the whole meta ...
gboone's user avatar
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How can I display my custom metaboxes on a custom post template?

I'm fairly new to PHP/wordpress, and this is actually the first time I haven't been able to answer a question through google! I'm working on getting up to speed with PHP/WP generally, but I can't seem ...
Fiddler's user avatar
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Create custom taxonomy and Display in metabox dropdown

I'm looking to create a dropdown in the post edit screen which contains 3 already existing tags. What's the easiest way of doing this? Basically all I'm looking for is a simple drop down which adds ...
kallekillen's user avatar
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Adding content to a taxonomy metabox

I want to add some custom content to the default metabox for a custom taxonomy. Ideally I'd be able to insert this content above the tag cloud where it says Choose from the most used [tag]s. Is there ...
supertrue's user avatar
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Ordering values entered in Custom Taxonomies

I found a great article on Custom Taxonomies here. I have a specific requirement related to ordering values entered in the Custom Taxonomies. How do I display the terms entered in the meta boxes in ...
user57358's user avatar
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Metabox to list/store a certain type of post tag

I'm at an impasse here. I'm admin-ing a food blog for a friend. She enters the ingredients for each recipe post as post tags. Down the road I'm going to create a page where a user sees a list of all ...
Clinton's user avatar
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register_taxonomy - show in admin menu, but not on post type (edit) screen

I've been trying a lot of things so far and investigated core inside out, but couldn't find a way that allows me to add the submenu item, but doesn't add the meta box for a custom taxonomy. The Menu ...
kaiser's user avatar
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Listing custom terms in custom post meta

I'm trying to list custom taxonomy terms (using get_terms) from within the custom post meta code (i.e., via the add_meta_boxes action). I am getting "Invalid taxonomy" return from the call to ...
anterys's user avatar
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How to select one major category (or custom taxonomy) for a custom post type?

I've created a hierarchical custom taxonomy (genre) and want to use it for a custom post type (radio station). But I don't only want to assign some genres to a radio station. I also want to be able to ...
René's user avatar
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Permalinks: custom structure for taxonomy - tags?

In my Wordpress permalink settings I have set the Tag-Base to "". So /tag/whatever is the current-url structure for my tag-page. However I do have a custom-post-type with a custom-taxonomy that is ...
mathiregister's user avatar