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1 answer

Remove action of an external plugin after checking if custom post meta is set

Edit:The problem were 2 folds - somehow the order list I found before indicated wp_head was before wp_enqueue_scripts but that is not the case. Found another more updated one and it is actually right ...
Nick Li's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Adding custom fields to bbpress reply form

Referring to post "adding-custom-fields-bbpress-topic-form" with link, I want to add custom fields to bbpress reply form ...
Daniel's user avatar
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1 answer

save_post_{$post->post_type} action firing on second save

I have custom metabox checkbox on CPT in my plugin. I want to fire an action and save new option when I save this post. But no matter how many times I tried it's saving option value only on second ...
Alexander's user avatar
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3 answers

How to position user meta data field

I have 1 additional field I want to display on the user profile page (mainly admin users will use this) I have done it but it is showing up at the very bottom of the page, I want it to sit in the ...
user10980228's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

add_meta_boxes action with refresh on save

I've created a meta box using add_meta_boxes action and it works when I open any post to edit it. add_action('add_meta_boxes', function() { add_meta_box( ... ); }); When WP auto ...
Adriano Castro's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Woocommerce add a text field if specific option is selected

I need to make active/visible a new filed before 'Add to cart' button, only if user select a specific option. The case is simple: I sell t-shirt with options: "Small", "Medium", "Large", "Size upon ...
Aculine's user avatar
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1 answer

Remove meta box except on category pages

To disable custom fields except on category pages, how would I check if it's a category page? Maybe it would be like this: add_action( 'admin_menu', 'remove_custom_fields' ); function ...
Galivan's user avatar
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3 answers

How to remove the "+Add Category" button from the Category metabox?

I would like to disable the "+Add Category Button" under the Category metabox so that anyone creating a post has to choose only from the list of existing categories. I did check out another post, ...
Ashwin Baskaran's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Use remove_meta_box conditionally on custom post type

I have a custom post type of people with some custom taxonomy boxes, i want to hide these when on child pages. I have found remove_meta_box works fine but i just can't access the $post object within ...
benpalmer's user avatar
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0 answers

do action inside a class is not working

I am trying to create my custom hook and call it from within a metabox class. Here is the pattern: metabox.php -- <?php require("libs.php"); require("test.php"); class metabox() { function ...
Ari's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Theme elements not translating

Ive got a theme that is set-up for translating but didn't come with any translations. I used poedit to automatically detect the strings, and subsequently translated it in full. However certain ...
Phill Healey's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Add custom buttons with custom actions in Edit Post screen in WordPress?

I am creating something for a client and I have a Class that I created with a Custom Post Type called 'PuSH Feeds' and when the user adds a new post and publishes it they can then click on one of two ...
vitorf7's user avatar
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1 answer

Adding to an array & passing it through do_action/apply_filters

For exercise I am working through a PHP class to add meta boxes I found on GitHub. I just copied the code and now I am playing around with it to understand it. It works like this: The file ...
Sven's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

remove_meta_box for all post types doesn't seem to work

To remove a metabox from all post types at once, using a foreach seems like the logical thing to do. However it doesn't always work and I don't understand why. For examlple viewing the "Post" post ...
Bryan Willis's user avatar
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1 answer

Add custom action in post type

I use the Metabox plugin and I want to add a custom action in a post type like the publish button ? when admin click on this button I want to send an email to ...
Abdeel's user avatar
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1 answer

What do the numbers mean at the end of add_action('save_post')...?

I've seen on a few tutorials that there are numbers at the end of the call to save Custom Fields/Meta Boxes on the save_post hook. For example, in the WordPress Codex it gives the following example: &...
Django Reinhardt's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to prevent further updates of custom meta when using actions to set one meta based on another

I'm using rilwis' Meta Box plugin (see to add custom meta boxes to a custom post type. I then want to populate one piece of meta data based on the value of another....
magicroundabout's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why is `add_meta_box` not working?

I'm trying to add some meta fields to a WPSC product using the following code: /** * data callback */ function abc_callback($object, $box) { echo 'callback executed!'; } /** * add custom ...
Matt's user avatar
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1 answer

prevent post submission

I'm using a meta-box for custom post type. I have three problems: WP seems to run the function that I attached to the "save_post" action, every time a new post is opened for editing or reloaded. Is ...
Matanya's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Better way to enforce category hierarchy in post_categories_metabox?

The objective is to ensure that when editing a post, the metabox that lists a hierarchical taxonomy doesn't reorder itself upon Update to put checked items on top. Right now, edit-form-advanced.php ...
Tom Auger's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Why can't I hook into save_posts after admin_init?

I'm trying to hook into the "save_post" action from an AJAX callback in my plugin, but it doesn't seem to work. In fact, hooking into "save_posts" only seems to work from a few key action execution ...
danblaker's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How to recover the post ID earlier in the WP admin hook action "firing" sequence?

I am creating a WP plugin based around Custom Post Types (CPT), where you can dynamically specify a CPT, complete with any number of associated dynamic Meta Boxes and form elements such as radio ...
NotLostJustHiking's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Action hook on Edit custom post type?

Is there an explicit action hook that will fire when (or just before) the admin Edit page renders for a custom post type? Something similar to {$new_status}_{$post->post_type}? I'm trying to find the ...
Tom Auger's user avatar
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