Linked Questions

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Notification to Admin or Author upon new post [duplicate]

I am using a custom function with 'publish_post' hook for a notification to the author when the post has been published but the issue I am facing right now is that the notification is being sent out ...
Kevin S's user avatar
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How to run a function when publish posts? [duplicate]

I have written a PHP function in a php page. This function is not written in function.php. I have written that function in anyname.php file which is located in root directory. I need to call that ...
Ruwantha's user avatar
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how to execute some code after a post is published in Wordpress [duplicate]

I have written a simple code to do something after a post is updated or published (its related to the varnish purge). I put my code inside post.php file. Everything was just fine before the latest ...
Sinai's user avatar
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Emailing Authors only when a CUSTOM POST TYPE post is published- not when edited later [duplicate]

I have the following function that emails authors of a custom post type when the post is published which is great, but I would like it so that it does not email them on any future edits after that to ...
Chris's user avatar
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Do anything on post_status change [duplicate]

What would be the nicest way to execute any code on post_status change. In our case we need execute a function the moment the post_status changes from draft to publish. As far as I can find there is ...
Roel Veldhuizen's user avatar
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How do I make a draft post accessible to everyone?

I have several unpublished posts in my Wordpress website and I am trying to make it accessible for normal users (who are not logged in) using the normal post slugs ( I understand ...
Amal Murali's user avatar
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How to auto send email when publishing a custom post type?

I'd like to have an email automatically sent out to my website's subscribers when I publish a post for a specific custom post type. I've found a few plugins that will do this but only for regular ...
furio's user avatar
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How to access the post meta of a post that has just been published?

I am using the hook publish_post to run my code where I need the post meta of the just published post. But the post meta value I am looking for is somehow not available at this point of execution. On ...
Poulomi Nag's user avatar
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How to change post status in hook?

I have similar problem as described in How to trap "Publish" button to check for meta box validation? Answer there is to hook into save_post and change post type. How can I do it? I try to ...
user1666774's user avatar
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Send email when publish new post in certain categories

I'm looking for php code that will allow me to do the following: when new post publish in categories which ids are 12 and 34, email will send to all users.
Nguyen Duc Phuong's user avatar
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Is there an action that is called when a post is restored from the trash?

I'm looking at the wordpress list of actions and trying to find an action that is called when a post is restored from the trash but cannot find one. Does anyone know if it exists?'s user avatar
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WP-Automatic to run publish hooks

Maybe there is someone who could help me with this plugin I use. I need it to run publish hooks, so plugin WP to buffer would work. So now WP-Automatic, publishes content, but WP to Buffer doesn't ...
Simon's user avatar
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Can One Taxonomies Terms be Ordered by A Seperate Taxonomy?

I need some advice. I have a post type called "Movies" for example. Inside Movies, I have two taxonomies: Genres and Ratings Under Ratings my terms are 5 star, 4 star, 3 star, etc. Under Genres ...
streetfire's user avatar
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How to Test a Blog Post for Update vs. Publish Status -- Unique

I want to perform an action when a blog post gets published for the first time only. I do not want to take action on any subsequent update. I wrote a plug-in to do this. However, it runs the function ...
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