Linked Questions

5 votes
1 answer

Sort Custom Post Type Archive by Taxonomy Term [duplicate]

What is the best method (as of 3.1 or 3.2 beta) to sort a custom post type archive by a given taxonomy term? I'm trying to make a staff page and I want to sort employees by department. So the ...
MTT's user avatar
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Order archive custom posts by taxonomy term [duplicate]

I cant change the way things are, so I cant use custom meta... I have terms that are years and I have to display the archive in order (newest to oldest-in terms, not published date) For example the ...
artist learning to code's user avatar
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Sort Posts Alphabetically by Multiple Categories [duplicate]

Basically I have an array of posts which I want to sort by title. $categories = get_categories('child_of=4'); $arr_records = array(); $post_data = array(); foreach($categories as $category) { $...
Azad Rana's user avatar
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Order by taxonomy Value [duplicate]

I do want to order CTP by year. I have a taxonomy called 'annee' (year), and a CTP called 'moto' (motorbike). Issue is, when im trying to order by the taxonomy, it's ordering only by taxonomy ID, and ...
john's user avatar
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How to order posts by taxonomy in WP_Query [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Using wp_query is it possible to orderby taxonomy? I have a page template that should show CPTs grouped by taxonomy. I'd like to get all the CPTs in a single query and not ...
hannit cohen's user avatar
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22 votes
7 answers

Display all posts in a custom post type, grouped by a custom taxonomy

I’m working on a member page where I use a custom post type with a custom taxonomy. My custom post type is called member and my custom taxonomy is called member_groups. I want to list all the members ...
Mestika's user avatar
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3 answers

WP_Query orderby taxonomy term value (numeric)

I have this query... <?php $press = new WP_Query(array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'individual', 'post_status' => 'private' )); ...
Joshc's user avatar
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Group Custom post type in a page by its taxomony tag

I hope i can write a clear question since i got confused trying to solve this... I got a custom post type... that custom post type has taxomony (category like) and i want to return a structure like ...
Sagive's user avatar
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Ordering posts by custom taxonomy in admin area

EDIT @kaiser - this question is slightly different to the answer you posted in that I am talking about sorting by clicking the column title rather than adding a dropdown to filter by taxonomy term (...
Osu's user avatar
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woocommerce - products by category slug? [closed]

good morning, I need to display the shop base page in a category layout,meaning first show all the products from category A and beneath it all the products from category B and so on.. I trying to use ...
take that's user avatar
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2 answers

Order by most used tag

Is it possible to order a tag page by the 'most commonly used' tag? For example: Say I have three tags: Apple, Orange, Banana, and 100 posts. 90 of those posts are tagged Apple, 50 are tagged ...
Chris J Allen's user avatar
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3 answers

Sort All Posts by Category Name in the Admin Panel?

I'm working on a pretty complicated site where everything is managed by category type including automatic spinner image submission, etc.. Unfortunately, its doggone difficult to manage things when the ...
zipzit's user avatar
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3 answers

How to orderby Taxonomy Term in a WP Query

I have been told here that having my data saved as metadata is creating slow queries. I'm starting to convert all data used to sort my posts to taxonomy data. I've converted all the data stored in '...
DJZEEGLER's user avatar
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How to order by taxonomy using wp_query

I have a custom post type with a custom taxonomy years, I would like order by this, I cannot find a solution.
José Antonio CT's user avatar
3 votes
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How do I sort posts by custom taxonomy?

I am trying to sort posts by custom taxonomy. I have a custom post type which is course-cpt and I have created custom taxonomies within it, I need to sort the courses by course-level (which is the ...
Neelam Khan's user avatar

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