I'd like to know..

How could I change my 3 main categories links, so they call a javascript function?

I'm using Snapshot Theme from WooThemes.

Here's the current state of the website:


The categories I'd like to change the links to a javascript function call, are: Masculino, Feminino and Infantil.

They are at a container with class widget.


I´ve changed the jquery.

I've tried to use jquery in index.php:

$(document).ready(function() {

    $(".widget ul li > a").not("ul li ul li>a").attr("href", "javascript:hideMenu();showSubMenu('m-submenu');");
$(".widget ul li+li > a").not("ul li+li ul li>a").attr("href", "javascript:hideMenu();showSubMenu('f-submenu');");
$(".widget ul li+li+li > a").not("ul li+li+li ul li>a").attr("href", "javascript:hideMenu();showSubMenu('i-submenu');");


But, it seems that some sub-categories are calling the javascript function. In other words, my .not() it´s not working in some cases.

What could I do?


  • The Answer is: $(document).ready(function() { $(".widget ul li > a:not(ul li ul li>a, ul li+li ul li>a,ul li+li+li ul li>a )").attr("href", "javascript:hideMenu();showSubMenu('m-submenu')"); $(".widget ul li+li > a:not(ul li ul li>a, ul li+li ul li>a,ul li+li+li ul li>a )").attr("href", "javascript:hideMenu();showSubMenu('f-submenu');"); $(".widget ul li+li+li > a:not(ul li ul li>a, ul li+li ul li>a,ul li+li+li ul li>a )").attr("href", "javascript:hideMenu();showSubMenu('i-submenu');"); }); I must use :not to discard any possible match for every main category. May 8, 2013 at 18:28
  • 1
    So you found the answer? Next time you should use StackOverflow.com to find jQuery answers. You are using wordpress, but you're problem is jQuery. Have a nice day Brazuca.
    – gdaniel
    May 8, 2013 at 18:30
  • I´m not sure. Maybe there´s a wordpress core code better answer. Editing a category.php, category-template.php, or something. That would make life easier. I will have to add the jquery and javascript functions to each page. May 8, 2013 at 18:43
  • 1
    If you've got your answer, be sure to post and mark as answered.
    – ckpepper02
    May 8, 2013 at 18:45
  • Have to wait some hours until there May 8, 2013 at 18:50

1 Answer 1


The Answer is:

$(document).ready(function() {
$(".widget ul li > a:not(ul li ul li>a, ul li+li ul li>a,ul li+li+li ul li>a     
)").attr("href", "javascript:hideMenu();showSubMenu('m-submenu')");
$(".widget ul li+li > a:not(ul li ul li>a, ul li+li ul li>a,ul li+li+li ul li>a 
)").attr("href", "javascript:hideMenu();showSubMenu('f-submenu');");
$(".widget ul li+li+li > a:not(ul li ul li>a, ul li+li ul li>a,ul li+li+li ul li>a 
)").attr("href", "javascript:hideMenu();showSubMenu('i-submenu');");

It seems I must enter every possible undesirable match in each :not

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