If I remember right you have to unset
all the defaults and add the new Size
function mxdCustomImageSizes($sizes) {
unset( $sizes['thumbnail']);
unset( $sizes['medium']);
unset( $sizes['large']);
unset( $sizes['full'] );
$myimgsizes = array(
'full-size' => __( 'Full Size' )
if( !empty($sizes) )
return array_merge($sizes, $myimgsizes);
return $myimgsizes;
add_filter('intermediate_image_sizes_advanced', 'mxdCustomImageSizes');
And then add the full-size
size which is 99999x99999
right below which size is almost unbelievable so is full size.
add_image_size( 'full-size', 99999, 99999, false );
Please correct me if something goes wrong
P. S. You'll need a plugin to "save as" all your images according to your new settings. I can recommend the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin.
P. P. S. When it's the single Option any way you'll have to choose one of one :). There no straight way to make one Size selected in the new (3.5.1) Media window.
and keep WP from generating those sizes. If this doesn't work, please report back. If it works, then there's some plugin or theme interfering.