There is absolutely nothing with custom post types per se, but if you are only storing data a couple from a couple of input fields where each field has its own specific purpose you might want to use the Settings API instead. And moving post types and settings our of your plugin (styling) and supplying them through a plugin (functionality) is a splendid decision.
The Settings API is fairly straight forward. It allows to add setting fields to the existing setting sections (General, Discussion, Permalinks etc.) as well as adding subpages to any top level navigation item in the admin section and also top level pages of your own. Depending on your needs you could add your setting fields to an existing page or add your own page.
This is a good example of how to add two fields to the Reading settings page, with a clear illustration below. Basically what you would do in order to add a page, subpage, settings section and setting field is this:
// Example code to illustrate page/subpage/setting relationships, might not work as intended or break
function wpse_90342_admin_menu {
// Top level menu page (
add_menu_page('Page title', 'Menu item title', 'manage_options', basename(__FILE__), 'wpse_90342_page_callback', plugins_url('images/icon.png', __FILE__), 6);
// Sub menu page (
add_submenu_page( basename(__FILE__), 'My Plugin Tools Page Title', 'My Plugin Tools Menu Title', 'manage_options', 'my_plugin_tools', 'wpse_90342_subpage_callback' );
// Settings section
add_settings_section('eg_setting_section', 'Example settings section on subpage', 'eg_setting_section_callback_function', 'my_plugin_tools');
// Settings field
add_settings_field('eg_setting_name', 'Example setting Name', 'eg_setting_callback_function', 'my_plugin_tools', 'eg_setting_section');
// Register the settings field
register_setting('my_plugin_tools', 'eg_setting_name');
add_action('admin_menu', 'wpse_90342_admin_menu');
function wpse_90342_page_callback() {
echo "This is the top level page";
function wpse_90342_subpage_callback() {
echo "This is the subpage";
do_settings_sections('my_plugin_tools' );
settings_fields( 'my_plugin_tools' );
function eg_setting_section_callback_function() {
echo "Section header";
function eg_setting_callback_function() {
echo "Settings field";
You might want to look into the documentation for add_menu_page and add_submenu_page as they require quite a lot of parameters that might need to be consistent between the two in order for your page/subpages/fields to adhere to the intended hierarchy.