Converting my HTML template to WP Theme I am confused how to linkto the pages in WP? For Example I have an Item div which I would like to link to my store page when user click on that but I dont know how to get the correct URL for my store page?! This is also happening when I would like to link from another site to my page for example how I can link to my page from here?
http//www.ghazalphoto.portfolio.html Or
http//www.ghazalphoto.portfolio.php Or

2 Answers 2


Use this to output correct link:

   $page = get_page_by_title( 'Store' );
   echo get_permalink( $page );

Or if you know ID of your page (you can get ID from administration), you can use just (if ID is 2)

<?php echo get_permalink( 2 ); ?>

You can read more about get_permalink function here

And I would also suggest you to read something about wp_nav_menu function to enable your theme to use Navigation menus.


When you create a page in wordpress it works like a template in your case to create a portfolio page you need to create a page-portfolio.php file in your theme folder.

Add on first line:

 Template Name: Portfolio Page

Build your portfolio page here. Create a page in Administration-> Pages-> Add New. Select 'Portfolio Page' from drop down on right side. Publish and take note of the now live URL.

In WordPress you can link in the code like:

<a href="portfolio pages live link"<div>Link to Portfolio Page</div></a>
// or
<a href="<?php $page = get_page_by_title( 'Behseinis Page' );echo get_permalink( $page ); ?>">
<div>Link to Portfolio Page</div></a>

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