publish_post Runs when a post is published, or if it is edited and its status is "published". Action function arguments: post ID.
I've added the publish_post hook to a WordPress plugin that I'm writing. The function called by the hook itself, is meant to change the categories of several posts using the wp_update_post function.
This hook does not work however as the result returned from running wp_update_post is always 0. My best guess is that running wp_update_post causes another instance of my hook to run because it re-publishes the post...which I believe brings about the "...or if it is edited and its status is "published"" of the statement above.
Is there any other action-hook that I can use that will only be called when the post added is completely new and not edited?
Plugin Name: Category Switcher Plugin
Plugin URI:
Description: When a new post is created this plugin will cause the
Version: 0.1
Author: Me
License: GPL2
class categoryShifter {
function shiftCategories($post_ID) {
$maxNumPostsFirstTeir = 4;
$first_teir_cat = "Fresh News Stories 1";
$second_teir_cat = "Slightly Dated Stories 2";
$firephp = FirePHP::getInstance(true);
$firephp->info('BEGIN: categoryShifter.shiftCategories()');
$firephp->log($post_ID, 'post_ID: ');
$firephp->trace('trace to here');
$first_teir_id = categoryShifter::getIDForCategory($first_teir_cat, $firephp);
$second_teir_id = categoryShifter::getIDForCategory($second_teir_cat, $firephp);
$firephp->log($first_teir_id, '$first_teir_id');
$firephp->log($second_teir_id, '$second_teir_id');
$qPostArgs = array(
'numberposts' => 100,
'order' => 'DESC',
'orderby' => 'post_date',
'post_type' => 'post',
'post_status' => 'published',
'category_name' => $first_teir_cat
$firstTeirPosts = get_posts($qPostArgs);
$firephp->log($firstTeirPosts, 'got posts:');
$firephp->log(sizeof($firstTeirPosts), 'sizeof');
// NOTE: This appears to work.
for($i = sizeof($firstTeirPosts)-1; $i > $maxNumPostsFirstTeir-4; $i--)
$newCats = array($second_teir_id);
$editingId = $firstTeirPosts->ID;
$result = wp_set_post_categories($editingId, $newCats); /* NOTE: Doesn't work presently... returns an array with the $second_teir_id in it. */
$firephp->log($result, 'Result');
$my_post = array();
$my_post['ID'] = 132;
$my_post['post_category'] = array($second_teir_id);
$firephp->log('Before', 'Before');
if(wp_update_post( $my_post ) == 0) {
$firephp->Error('Fatal Error, Post not updated', 'error');
$firephp->log('After', 'After');
return $post_ID;
function getIDForCategory($cat_name, $logger) {
$logger->Info("Begin: getIDForCategory()");
$cats = get_categories();
$whichCatId = "";
foreach($cats as $single_cat) {
if($single_cat->name == $cat_name) {
$whichCatId = $single_cat->term_id;
$logger->Info("End: getIDForCategory()");
return (int)$whichCatId;
/* Hook Post Creation */
/* add_action('publish_post', array('categoryShifter','shiftCategories')); */
add_action('wp_insert_post', array('categoryShifter', 'shiftCategories'));
I've switched to using the wp_insert_post hook for the time being...but I still can't get the wp_set_post_categories function to change the categories of the posts.
I understand that I will probably need to update this code so that it takes into account the existing categories of the post and only modifies the ones specified by the plugin, but for now it's really just an alpha.