Your code is PHP4 style. PHP4 styled code should not be used anymore. And just putting some functions inside a class construct is not OOP. If you want to write reusable code, separate your code.
For example:
class Widget_Setup
public $widget_class = '';
public $admin_styles = array();
public $admin_scripts = array();
public $front_styles = array();
public $front_scripts = array();
public $script_defaults = array(
'handle' => '',
'src' => '',
'deps' => array(),
'version' => false,
'in_footer' => false
public $style_defaults = array(
'handle' => '',
'src' => '',
'deps' => array(),
'version' => false,
'media' => 'all'
public function __construct( $widget_class = '', $admin_styles = array(), $admin_scripts = array(), $front_styles = array(), $front_scripts = array() ) {
$this->widget_class = $widget_class;
$this->admin_styles = $admin_styles;
$this->admin_scripts = $admin_scripts;
$this->front_styles = $front_styles;
$this->front_scripts = $front_scripts;
add_action( 'admin_print_styles', array( $this, 'add_styles' ) );
add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'add_scripts' ) );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'add_styles' ) );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'add_scripts' ) );
if( ! empty( $this->widget_class ) )
add_action( 'widgets_init', array( $this, 'register_widget' ) );
public function register_widget() {
register_widget( $this->widget_class );
return true;
public function add_styles() {
$styles = ( is_admin() ) ?
$this->admin_styles : $this->front_styles;
if( empty( $styles ) )
return false;
foreach( $styles as $style ) {
$style = wp_parse_args( $style, $this->style_defaults );
return true;
public function add_scripts() {
$scripts = ( is_admin() ) ?
$this->admin_scripts : $this->front_scripts;
if( empty( $scripts ) )
return false;
foreach( $scripts as $script ) {
$script = wp_parse_args( $script, $this->script_defaults );
return true;
This class can be reused for every widget. The idea behind OOP is reusing your code by writing data constructs with additional function. Not using class constructs because somebody say it is good style.
The class could be used like this:
class MyAwesomeWidget extends WP_Widget
const TEXTDOMAIN = 'widget_textdomain';
public function __construct() {
__( 'Widget Name', self::TEXTDOMAIN ),
'classname' => __CLASS__,
'description' => __( 'Short description.', self::TEXTDOMAIN )
$admin_style = array(
array( 'handle' => 'somehandle', 'src' => 'path/to/source' ),
array( 'handle' => 'someotherhandle', 'src' => 'path/to/source' ),
$admin_scripts = array(
array( 'handle' => 'scrpthandle', 'src' => 'path/to/source', 'deps' => array( 'jquery') ),
$front_styles = array(
array( 'handle' => 'frontstyle', 'src' => 'path/to/src' ),
new Widget_Setup( __CLASS__, $admin_style, $admin_scripts, $front_styles );
public function widget( $instance, $args ) {}
public function update( $new_instance, $old_instance ) {}
public function form( $instance ) {}