When using WordPress Multisite with many sites, it would be nice to store them into categories. Site categories that is, not post categories.

Maybe there is a way to use some kind of site meta / custom fields for sites? Is there one? How to use it?

A plugin would be nice, or an example of a start, what hooks / functions to use.


1 Answer 1


Answering to this Question, How to add Custom Blog Options to new blog setup form?, I ended up doing a plugin that does exactly that: adds a blog meta field to give each site a Category.

It's a simple meta field, meaning: no category tree. I just revised the code and updated. Available in GitHub.

Main hooks:

multisite categories

  • Would be nice to click the column header to sort sites by category, like "domain" and "last updated". Commented Jan 17, 2013 at 9:28
  • @JensTörnell, I tried it once. Checking again now: a query filter has to be applied to manipulate this SQL command, but I don't know how to do it.
    – brasofilo
    Commented Jan 17, 2013 at 14:56

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