Hey you just opened the plugin's tag on WordPress Answers :D
Can you paste the code of the generated html? From what you describe, you are using it correctly, so I just want to see if the template is being loaded to detect if the problem is on the template side, or a bug on the plugin's code.
UPDATE: Ok, I checked your template on a new WordPress install. It was getting the template, but there was some code error, here's what worked for me:
I created the list-category-posts folder under wp-content/themes/twentyten and added a new php file called "lcp_template_1.php" with your code. Then created a new post with:
[catlist template=lcp_template_1]
Now, I started editing your template, I fixed the Show Category code and it's currently working with this code:
Plugin Info & license stuff...
$lcp_output = '';
//Show category?
if ($atts['catlink'] == 'yes'){
$cat_link = get_category_link($lcp_category_id);
$cat_title = get_cat_name($lcp_category_id);
$lcp_output = '<div class="topic-heading"><a href="' . $cat_link . '" title="' . $cat_title . '">' . $cat_title . '</a></div>';
$lcp_output .= '<div class="post">';//For default ul
//Posts loop:
foreach($catposts as $single):
$lcp_output .= '<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="' . get_permalink($single->ID) . '">' . $single->post_title . '</a></h2>';
//Show comments?
if($atts['comments'] == yes){
$lcp_output .= ' (' . $single->comment_count . ')';
//Style for date:
$lcp_output .= ' <div class="entry-meta"> ' . get_the_time($atts['dateformat'], $single) . '</div>';
//Show author?
$lcp_userdata = get_userdata($single->post_author);
$lcp_output .=' <div class="entry-meta">' .$lcp_userdata->display_name . '</div>';
//Show thumbnail?
$lcp_output .= '<div class="lcp_thumbnail"><a href="' . get_permalink($single->ID) . '">' . get_the_post_thumbnail($single->ID, array('40','40')) .'</a></div>';
//Show content?
if($atts['content']=='yes' && $single->post_content){
$lcpcontent = apply_filters('the_content', $single->post_content); // added to parse shortcodes
$lcpcontent = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $lcpcontent); // added to parse shortcodes
$lcp_output .= '<p>' . $lcpcontent . '</p>'; // line tweaked to output filtered content
//Show excerpt?
if($atts['excerpt']=='yes' && !($atts['content']=='yes' && $single->post_content) ){
$lcp_output .= lcp_excerpt($single);
$lcp_output .= '</div>';
Please let me know if this works for you. I should update the default template since the show category code is old and buggy. Will be done for next version.
UPDATE: 0.15.1 includes a fix for the undeclared lcp_output variable. Also, regarding the thumbnail not displaying, please make sure you've modified the theme according to the get_the_post_thumbnail documentation.
To enable post thumbnails, the current
theme must include add_theme_support(
'post-thumbnails' ); in its
functions.php file. add_theme_support(
'post-thumbnails' ); must be called
before the init hook is fired. That
means it needs to be placed directly
into functions.php or within a
function attached to the
after_setup_theme hook.
As we found out on the comments, the problem was with using STYLESHEETPATH instead of TEMPLATEPATH. This change will be included on the next release. Thanks Das for the feedback :D