I'm just learning PHP, and I'm using get_terms to get some text descriptions from the CMS, but i want to assign 3 variables to only 3 of my woocommerce tags. My code works well, but I just want to learn if there's a better way to filter by $tag_descrip->name than using if conditions.

This is my code:

$tag_descrip = get_terms( 'product_tag', 'orderby=count&hide_empty=0' );
$count = count($tag_descrip);

if ( $count > 0 ){

 foreach ( $tag_descrip as $tag_descrip ) {

 if($tag_descrip->name == "parfum_bestof")
   {$title_new1 = $tag_descrip->description ;}

 if($tag_descrip->name == "tshirt_bestof")
   {$title_new2 = $tag_descrip->description ;}

 if($tag_descrip->name == "child_bestof")
   {$title_new3 = $tag_descrip->description ;}





  • Generic PHP questions are off-topic here. You could try asking this on Stack Overflow. Commented Dec 3, 2012 at 15:25
  • 1
    It isn't necessarily off-topic... I think the OP is asking how to query 3, specific tags? But I can't really tell because I don't know the use case for the above code. Commented Dec 3, 2012 at 15:27

1 Answer 1


Hi there is not better option, but to speed it up little you can use wordpress transient, see documentation: http://codex.wordpress.org/Transients_API

your code would look like this (and i cleaned it bit and used function empty to check array...):


if ( false === ( $tag_descrip = get_transient( 'tag_descrip' ) ) ) {

     $tag_descrip = get_terms( 'product_tag', 'orderby=count&hide_empty=0' );

     set_transient( 'tag_descrip ', $tag_descrip );

if ( !empty($tag_descrip) ){

 foreach ( $tag_descrip as $tag_descrip ) {

 if($tag_descrip->name == "parfum_bestof")
   $title_new1 = $tag_descrip->description;

 if($tag_descrip->name == "tshirt_bestof")
   $title_new2 = $tag_descrip->description;

 if($tag_descrip->name == "child_bestof")
   $title_new3 = $tag_descrip->description;



  • foreach ( $tag_descrip as $tag_descrip ) – there is some room for improvement in the variable names … ;)
    – fuxia
    Commented Dec 3, 2012 at 15:48
  • Thanks ! Seems like a good idea, I'm going to try it too but what's meaning of the operator "===" in PHP code, why we use "===" instead of "==" ? Commented Dec 3, 2012 at 19:21
  • Whereas the "===" operator is type strict, "==" will attempt to cast the operands. See documentation.
    – ScheRas
    Commented Oct 7, 2016 at 7:25

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