I am trying to retrieve all posts from an rss feed from a category, and I have working code that does this. However, on one category I will only get all posts until a certain date. Any post prior to this date will not show up. I have debugged this by posting a new article and set it as close to the last retrieved post as possible. The glitch seems to happen passing from one day into another at 00:00 (12AM). Does anyone know of such an issue.
add_filter('option_posts_per_rss', 'override_posts_per_rss');
function override_posts_per_rss($value){
return intval($_GET['posts_per_rss']);
return $value;
this is the code that I am using. It works fine for all of my other categories except for one where I hit this date barrier.
I have tried any code from this post: Individual rss feed entry length for categories? and all give the same output hitting this date barrier.
Any help is appreciated!