I have installed and converted two wordpress installations to Multisite .It was not first time and I done it before for some of my websites.
I was successfully able to use it too.But I could not find sub-site files/folders in 'Blogs.dir' .Hence some plugins are showing errors as there are no files/folders for sub-sites(like subsite 1, 2, 3 etc) in blogs.dir
The problem might be this...I firstly placed the Multisite conversion code at long place in wp-config.php .Later I realise my fault and corrected it.But the problem is still un-resolved.Still there are no files in blogs.dir
Could anybody help me to resolve this issue? I don't understand if it is because of the new version 3.0.4 or my fault ?
Thanks !
Update: I installed a new multisite on other fresh domain .And the same problem there. I think the new version don't need that or some thing wrong with my server configuration
Update 2 : I am adding a screenshot of my empty blogs.dir folder http://img534.imageshack.us/img534/768/blogsdir.jpghttp://img534.imageshack.us/img534/768/blogsdir.jpg
Update 3:
Actually the problem is caused with a plugin named Zingiri
The plugin is installed on Multisite installation and got these messages :
Directory /home/..../public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/2/files/ is not writable, please chmod to 777 Directory /home/......./public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/2/files/zingiri-web-shop doesn't exist ......... ......... Directory /home/....../public_html/wp-content/blogs.dir/2/files/zingiri-web-shop/digital-a42fzcxaq5ykww4t doesn't exist Turn off magic quotes on your installation. Read more about why you should disable this setting
( ( 1 )This is the warning message on sub-sites.The Numeral ' 2 ' represents a subsite here )
I am having another error message too (here :/wp-admin/admin.php?page=zingiri-web-shop)...when I click on Install button in plugin settings page (However it finishes installing the script).
Error:Table 'wpuser_wpdb1.wp_2_users' doesn't exist
'Magic Quotes ' are already turned off and tried changing the permissions for blogs.dir .
Even after doing all these,that problem is unresolved .
After realizing the issue is caused with that particular plugin .I attempted to delete the question because some might thing this question is related to plugin and not with blogs.dir