
I'm currently building a plugin to display specific part of post after accepting verification code. Can a shortcode return a part of a post? I mean:

Bla bla bla [shortcode postID="100"] Special bla bla [/shortcode] Bla bla

How to code a function to retrieve specific content of a post only when the plugin calls this shortcode?

1 Answer 1


Why don't you use something like:

Bla bla bla [shortcode postID="100" content="Special bla bla"] Bla bla

and then retrieve your content in your shortcode function.

extract( shortcode_atts( array(
   'content' => '',
), $attr ) );

echo 'special content is: '.$content;
  • I meant something different. Shortcode will be used to receive large texts, only 2-3 paragraphs will be available outside shortcode. All the styling etc. would be gathered from database within shortcode.
    – Peter
    Commented Sep 2, 2012 at 18:45

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