Posting answer found by the OP, as originally edited into the question and expanded on in comments:
Here is what I ended up doing, which works a charm. I put this in my sidebar.php
. Basically, it works with the custom post type name to check that it's a single post with that type. If so, I tell it to append a list of all the pages that are children of Page ID 8.
<?php if( is_singular('menus')) { ?>
<nav role="inner">
<ul><?php wp_list_pages('title_li=&child_of=8'); ?></ul>
<?php } ?>
Just for the record, I had to use another solution for a submenu that only existed in the Custom Menus. It works the same as the above solution but calls the venue-menu
I registered in my functions.php
and then defined in the custom menus section. wp_nav_menu()
automatically outputs content in a <ul>
so no need to add it in the HTML here:
<?php if( is_singular('venues')) { ?>
<nav role="inner">
<?php wp_nav_menu(array ("theme_location" => "venue-menu")) ?>
<?php } ?>