I'm new to the "posts_" filter hooks and wanted to know a few things from those in the know:

In this question, someone posted an answer using posts_join that took a second parameter of $query:



function posts_join($join,$query) {


Is this an instance of wp_query or something similar?

Same example:

How would I determine the post type so that I can do custom joins for each custom post type I have on the admin side

What does the posts_fields filter hook do? from the example I've seen, it looks like it replaces the columns in the SELECT clause of an SQL call.

Am I correct in that assumption, and does it too have more parameters that can be called??

I find some examples but I can't get any solid documentation anywhere.

1 Answer 1


When you use one of the methods to query for posts (query_posts(), get_posts() or WP_Query object) arguments you provide are processed and turned into SQL query. This happens in WP_Query->&get_posts() method.

Since arguments are not omnipotent there are a lot of hooks in there that allow to modify or override parts of resulting SQL query.

  • posts_join is part of query that handles SQL JOINs - adding additional tables to the mix, for example tables related to taxonomies when they are needed.

  • posts_fields seem to control which database fields will be returned in query, it seems to default to all fields from posts table.

  • So basically post_fields replaces the select part of a query. Thank you for the response. Commented Dec 31, 2010 at 20:02
  • Not all of SELECT, it looks like this in code SELECT $found_rows $distinct $fields FROM where $fields variable is passed through posts_fields filter.
    – Rarst
    Commented Dec 31, 2010 at 20:09
  • So, if I were to use the posts_fields filter, how would I access the results?? Is there a way to get to the from thw WP_query class? Commented Jan 2, 2011 at 4:29
  • @Manny Fleurmond if I am not mistaken WP_Query->query() method returns the array of posts you queried for, affected by this filter and all others. They should also be saved in WP_Query->posts field after that.
    – Rarst
    Commented Jan 2, 2011 at 17:12
  • Note that get_posts() defaults to suppressing filters, while query_posts() does not: get_posts() > parameters. Commented Jan 23, 2013 at 1:33

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