This is for a gallery that's populated automatically, images are pulled in from child pages. Layout is: 2 images in a row and they must be left- and right-aligned respectively.
I can't figure out a way to add a space between them.
- When I add margin or padding, the 2nd image gets pushed off to the next line;
- Without margin, they're side by side (and only the left one is properly aligned).
So I figured alternating CSS classes might work, but not sure how to make the odd images float left, and even images - float right. And the odd/even class for the images will change based on the number of child posts (and therefore, the number of images imported into this Gallery page).
<div id="gallery-container">
$mypages = get_pages( array( 'child_of' => $post->ID, 'sort_column' => 'post_date', 'sort_order' => 'desc' ) );
foreach( $mypages as $page ) {
$content = $page->post_content;
if ( ! $content ) // Check for empty page
$content = apply_filters( 'the_content', $content );
<div class="gallery-preview">
<div id="zoom">
<?php echo $content; ?>
<h3><a href="<?php echo $page->post_title; ?>"><?php echo $page->post_title; ?></a></h3>
<?php endwhile; endif; ?>