I have a blog with all media stored in a folder called upload (organize media was disabled), I've activate it to organize new uploads by date. But how can i organize old files?

I want this because i need to migrate the site to a Wordpress MU site, and i need to have files organizated.

3 Answers 3


Thans but I've found the solution, what it need to do is to edit the site (Network -> Sites -> Edit -> Settings ) and change the following parameters:

Uploads Use Yearmonth Folders   0
Upload Path                     wp-content/blogs.dir/1/uploads
Fileupload Url                  http://www.mydomain.com/myblog/uploads

Maybe this plugin can help: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-filemanager/


You can hard-code this change for all your sites like this: 1. Create a new php file with a path like this: wp-content/mu-plugins/no_date_assets.php If the wp-content/mu-plugins folder does not already exist, you will have to manually create it. 2. In that file paste the following:


$uploads_use_yearmonth_folders = get_option( 'uploads_use_yearmonth_folders', 1 );

if ( $uploads_use_yearmonth_folders ) {
    update_option( 'uploads_use_yearmonth_folders', 0 );

That's all! This will make all future uploads not use the year/month folders.

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