What’s the best way to make Wordpress accept non-unique sub-category slugs?
By default, Wordpress ensures that every ‘slug’ portion of permalink URLs is unique, and is very savvy about using this to ensure you never see a 404 from omitting a portion of the URL. This means if my permalink structure is…
- http://site-root.com/category-name/sub-category-name/post-name/post-id
- http://site-root.com/category-name/sub-category-name/post-name
- http://site-root.com/category-name/sub-category-name/post-id
- http://site-root.com/sub-category-name/post-name/post-id
will all take me to the same post.
But if that kind of fail-safe redirection is less important to someone than being able to have non-unique slugs (and nicely structured directories), I’m SOL.
Let’s say I’m writing a restaurant review guide in major cities. I want my top-level categories to be city names, and the types of restaurants to be the sub-categories. So I create “Boston”, “New York”, and “Seattle”, then I add the sub-categories “Chinese Food”, “Italian Eateries”, and “Luxury Dining” to Boston. But when I try to add the same sub-categories to New York, even when I specify the URL slugs, Wordpress starts forcing slugs like “http://[site-root].com/New-York/Chinese-Food-New-York/” — unnecessary repetition, and lengthening my links. This gets even worse if I want to have sub-sub-categories.
I haven’t yet been able to find a way to force Wordpress to accept non-unique slugs. How would you recommend I accomplish this?